SolrJ is supposed to use the "SolrInputDocument" class to import the document, but I made it because it seems that the function to convert from JSON to SolrInputDocument is not provided. The type of the field can be specified by the property.
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.UpdateResponse;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
public class SolrJsonImporter {
SolrClient client;
Properties props;
public SolrJsonImporter(String endPoint) {
client = new HttpSolrClient.Builder(endPoint).build();
public UpdateResponse add(String json) throws SolrServerException, IOException {
SolrInputDocument document = new SolrInputDocument();
JsonObject jsonObj = (JsonObject) new Gson().fromJson(json, JsonObject.class);
if (this.props == null) {
for (String key : jsonObj.keySet()) {
String value = jsonObj.get(key).getAsString();
document.addField(key, value);
} else {
processFields(jsonObj, document, this.props);
UpdateResponse response = client.add(document); // throws SolrServerException,IOException
return response;
private void processFields(JsonObject jsonObj, SolrInputDocument document, Properties props) {
for (int n = 0; true; n++) {
String propKey = String.format("field[%d]", n);
String fieldName = props.getProperty(propKey + ".name");
if (fieldName == null) {
String fieldType = props.getProperty(propKey + ".type");
System.err.println(fieldName + "," + fieldType);
String fieldTarget = props.getProperty(propKey + ".target", fieldName);
Object oValue = null;
if (fieldType.equals("String")) {
oValue = jsonObj.get(fieldName).getAsString();
} //
else if (fieldType.equals("String[]")) {
JsonArray arr = jsonObj.get(fieldName).getAsJsonArray();
Object[] oo = new Object[arr.size()];
for (int x = 0; x < arr.size(); x++) {
oo[x] = arr.get(x).getAsString();
oValue = oo;
} //
else if (fieldType.equals("Long")) {
oValue = jsonObj.get(fieldName).getAsLong();
} //
else if (fieldType.equals("Long[]")) {
JsonArray arr = jsonObj.get(fieldName).getAsJsonArray();
Object[] oo = new Object[arr.size()];
for (int x = 0; x < arr.size(); x++) {
oo[x] = arr.get(x).getAsLong();
oValue = oo;
} //
else if (fieldType.equals("Double")) {
oValue = jsonObj.get(fieldName).getAsDouble();
} //
else if (fieldType.equals("Double[]")) {
JsonArray arr = jsonObj.get(fieldName).getAsJsonArray();
Object[] oo = new Object[arr.size()];
for (int x = 0; x < arr.size(); x++) {
oo[x] = arr.get(x).getAsDouble();
oValue = oo;
} //
document.addField(fieldTarget, oValue);
public UpdateResponse commit() throws IOException, SolrServerException {
return client.commit();
private void setProperties(Properties props) {
this.props = props;
String urlString = "http://localhost:8983/solr/sandbox";
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("debug", "false");
props.setProperty("field[0].name", "id");
props.setProperty("field[0].type", "String");
props.setProperty("field[1].name", "text");
props.setProperty("field[1].type", "String");
props.setProperty("field[2].name", "field1");
props.setProperty("field[2].type", "String");
props.setProperty("field[3].name", "field2");
props.setProperty("field[3].type", "String[]");
props.setProperty("field[4].name", "field3");
props.setProperty("field[4].type", "Long[]");
props.setProperty("field[5].name", "field4");
props.setProperty("field[5].type", "Double[]");
props.setProperty("field[6].name", "field5");
props.setProperty("field[6].type", "Long");
props.setProperty("field[7].name", "field6");
props.setProperty("field[7].type", "Double");
String json = "{" //
+ "'id':'001'" //
+ ",'text':'This is test.'" //
+ ",'field1':'fieldvalue001'" //
+ ",'field2':['fieldvalue001']" //
+ ",'field3':[1,2,3]" //
+ ",'field4':[0.1,0.2,0.3]" //
+ ",'field5':123" //
+ ",'field6':0.123" //
+ "}";
SolrJsonImporter util = new SolrJsonImporter(urlString);
This class makes it easy to import JSON via SolrJ. I think that it is convenient when you have existing JSON and want to convert it appropriately and import it.
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