Scraping immediately from google images!


It is troublesome to save images one by one from image search and collect images, so I found a driver that I should look for, so I will try to summarize it with my own satisfaction.


Install google_images_dwonload Page ⇒

$pip install google_images_download
$pip install os
$pip install glob
$pip install chromedriver

Is required, so install it. If there is no application "chromedriver" in the chromedriver, Download more and store it in the chromedriver file.

That's all there is to it


・ Pycharm ・ Python 3.7.4 ・ Windows10

Source code

import statement

from google_images_download import google_images_download
import glob
import os

contents This time, the search word is "ONE OK ROCK". Set limit = 100 and set the number of images to 100.

config = {
    "Records": [
            "keywords": "ONE OK ROCK LIVE",
            "no_numbering": True,
            "limit": 100,
            "output_directory": "images",
            "image_directory": "ONE OK ROCK",
            "chromedriver": "C\\[path to chromedirver]\chromedriver\chromedriver.exe",


Write the path to the chrome driver firmly.

response = google_images_download.googleimagesdownload()
for rc in config["Records"]:

For the time being, omit the gif image. (Because it's annoying)

gifImgs = glob.glob("images" + os.sep + "*" + os.sep + "*.gif")
print(f"removing gif files: {len(gifImgs)} files")
_ = [os.remove(f) for f in gifImgs]

You can get it by doing the above in order.


スクリーンショット (18).png

at the end

This scraping is good for gathering information and is very convenient. It's quite different from getting an image from a page, so I'll write about that in a separate article. It's only written briefly, so check out the details.

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