[Science and technology calculation by Python] (Partial) differential, mathematical formula, sympy


Find the derivative of the elementary function using sympy.


from sympy import *      #Imoprt all features from the sympy library
sym.init_printing()      #Format output

x=Symbol('x')                  #letter'x'Is defined as the variable x
y=Symbol('y')                 #letter'y'Is defined as the variable y

diff(sin(x),x)  #sin(x)Differentiation of
diff(exp(x),x)   # e^Differentiation of x

#Higher derivative
diff(x**4+x**3,x,2)  # x^4+x^2nd derivative of 3

#Partial differential
diff(x**2+x*y+2*y**2,x)  # x^2+xy+2y^Partial derivative of 2 by x

#When leaving a differential symbol


From top to bottom, it is as follows.

スクリーンショット 2017-07-18 14.24.42.png

スクリーンショット 2017-08-02 2.21.57.png

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