As a beginner, I was stuck with the test code when I used active storage for about an hour, so it is a memorandum.
First of all, it is assumed that the necessary active storage, factory bot, and spec have been installed.
If you haven't done so, write the following gem in your gemfile and bundle install it. Then let's install RSpec rails g rspec: install
group :development, :test do
gem 'rspec-rails' #A gem for writing and testing these 3 lines
gem 'factory_bot_rails' #Write these 3 lines and gem to create a test template
gem 'pry-rails' #Write these 3 lines, bindind.gem to run pry
# Call 'byebug' anywhere in the code to stop execution and get a debugger console
gem 'byebug', platforms: [:mri, :mingw, :x64_mingw]
% bundle install
% rails g rspec:install
First, create a file called images under the public directory Save the appropriate image data in the images (this time, prepare an image named a.png )
Now in this state public/images/a.png
a.png is the data of the appropriate image
Next, I want to refer to that data, so I will create an image column in the template in the factories directory This time I will test a model called "item" so it will be practices/items.rb
ruby:ractories/items.rb(Model name.rb)
FactoryBot.define do
factory :item do
name {"name"}
price {500}
text {"test"}
judgement_id {1}
category_id {1}
prefecture_id {2}
day_id {1}
status_id {1}
user #Association with user
after(:build) do |message|
message.image.attach(io:'public/images/a.png'), filename: 'a.png')
-Items of "_id" such as judgment_id and category_id were introduced using active hash, so you can ignore them.
-The description "user" means an association with the user model. By describing this, you do not have to enter the user_id.
What I would like you to pay attention to this time is the description under user
ruby:ractories/items.rb(Model name.rb)
after(:build) do |message|
message.image.attach(io:'public/images/a.png'), filename: 'a.png')
This description will refer to the actual photo.
ruby:ractories/items.rb(Model name.rb)
FactoryBot.define do
factory :item do
name {"name"}
price {500}
text {"test"}
judgement_id {1}
category_id {1}
prefecture_id {2}
day_id {1}
status_id {1}
image {"a.png "} #This is a bad example
If you do this, only a character string can be registered, so an error will occur. By the way, the error content is as follows. If you want to check the error, write binding.pry and stop the process!
[1] pry(#<RSpec::ExampleGroups::Item>)> @item.valid?
ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier::InvalidSignature: ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier::InvalidSignature
I hope it will be helpful for those who encounter the same error.