Django2 screen addition flow


Beginners. It is an explanation that such an understanding may be good in practice.

Flow of adding screens in Django 2.x

It is good to think in two steps.

step 1

It can be thought of as two flows that proceed in parallel.

  1. Flow A
  2. Create a model
  3. Create a form
  4. Flow B
  5. Temporarily make a template
  6. Make a temporary view
  7. Register the view with the URL dispatcher

"Temporarily make" is OK if you think that it is not affected by Flow A.


Step 2

Incorporate the model and form into the template and view created in step 1. At this point, it is better to display the screen with runserver and develop incrementally while updating.


Sometimes you don't need a form, or you need a static file or template tag, I think it can be applied based on the above idea.

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