[JAVA] Download and launch Zipkin

last updated

July 8, 2020

The OS / JDK versions that have been verified are as follows.

The version to be installed is as follows.

If this article is out of date, the steps below may differ from the latest installation steps. In that case, please check the Official Document.

How to download the JAR

(1) Access https://search.maven.org with a browser and enter "zipkin-server" in [Search]. Click on the [2.21.5] part of zipkin-server in ʻio.zipkin`.

This part shows the latest version at that time. You can use the version shown, even if it is different from 2.21.5.

スクリーンショット 2020-07-10 9.42.46.png

(2) Click [Download] and then click [exec.jar].

スクリーンショット 2020-07-10 9.44.57.png

(2) In the terminal (or command prompt), move to the folder where you downloaded the JAR and execute java -jar zipkin-server-2.21.5-exec.jar.

$ java -jar zipkin-server-2.21.5-exec.jar

           ooooooo  ooooooo
          oooooo     ooooooo
         oooooo       ooooooo
        oooooo   o  o   oooooo
       oooooo   oo  oo   oooooo
     ooooooo  oooo  oooo  ooooooo
    oooooo   ooooo  ooooo  ooooooo
   oooooo   oooooo  oooooo  ooooooo
  oooooooo      oo  oo      oooooooo
  ooooooooooooo oo  oo ooooooooooooo
      oooooooooooo  oooooooooooo
          oooooooo  oooooooo
              oooo  oooo

     ________ ____  _  _____ _   _
    |__  /_ _|  _ \| |/ /_ _| \ | |
      / / | || |_) | ' / | ||  \| |
     / /_ | ||  __/| . \ | || |\  |
    |____|___|_|   |_|\_\___|_| \_|

:: version 2.21.5 :: commit 7f4f274 ::

2020-07-10 09:47:26.743  INFO 1588 --- [           main] z.s.ZipkinServer                         : Starting ZipkinServer on tadanoMacBook-Pro.local with PID 1588 (/Users/tada/Downloads/zipkin-server-2.21.5-exec.jar started by tada in /Users/tada/Downloads)
2020-07-10 09:47:26.746  INFO 1588 --- [           main] z.s.ZipkinServer                         : The following profiles are active: shared
2020-07-10 09:47:27.795  INFO 1588 --- [           main] c.l.a.c.u.SystemInfo                     : hostname: tadanomacbook-pro.local (from 'hostname' command)
2020-07-10 09:47:28.191  INFO 1588 --- [oss-http-*:9411] c.l.a.s.Server                           : Serving HTTP at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9411 -
2020-07-10 09:47:28.193  INFO 1588 --- [           main] c.l.a.s.ArmeriaAutoConfiguration         : Armeria server started at ports: {/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9411=ServerPort(/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9411, [http])}
2020-07-10 09:47:28.211  INFO 1588 --- [           main] z.s.ZipkinServer                         : Started ZipkinServer in 2.428 seconds (JVM running for 3.746)

Ctrl + C to stop.

How to use Docker

$ docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin

How to use curl + bash

$ curl -sSL https://zipkin.io/quickstart.sh | bash -s
$ java -jar zipkin.jar

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