The OS in this device seemed to be Debian-based and included the apt command. So I want to connect to the internet and update.
However, in the default state of this device, there is neither Ethernet nor wifi, so it cannot be connected to the net. There are two possible ways to connect: bridging a USB virtual ethernet using a Linux PC or using a USB wifi dongle.
The method at the bridge was done once because the wifi did not connect well at first, but it was very troublesome.
I tried two types that are famous for their easy-to-hit drivers on Linux.
Buffalo WLI-UC-GNM on the left
The right is PLANEX's GW-USNANO2A
As a result, WLI-UC-GNM did not recognize it as a network device, but GW-USNANO2A recognized it as wlan0.
If you connect a dongle to USB, you cannot supply power from USB, so 5V is supplied from the pin header to move.
Since the dongle is recognized, set the wifi. First, generate a wifi setting template with the following command
~# wpa_passphrase "Your_SSID" Your_passwd
Probably it should be output like this.
For security reasons, it may be better to delete the raw password. (# part)
ssid="${your ssid}"
\#psk="${your password}"
Add the contents output by the above command to /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf, and create it if it does not exist.
#### **`~# vim /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf`**
When creating a new file, write the following contents at the beginning of the file and then write the settings.
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
### Register wifi configuration file
#### **`~# vim /etc/network/interfaces`**
Add this line
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
* The location of wlan0 may change depending on the environment, so change it in that case.
After that, when I restarted, it was connected

At this point, you can update with apt update.
Incidentally, the OS default for this device was Hong Kong.
Since it is inconvenient as it is, change to Japan time
#### **`~# ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo /etc/localtime`**
When you hit this command, the time zone will switch immediately.
[Sipeed Lichee Zero with L Chika(GPIO operation)](
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