One liner that formats JSON to make it easier to see


A one-liner that formats JSON to make it easier to see. If you have a Mac with python installed, you can use it immediately from the terminal.


curl -s "<url>"|python -m json.tool

Before plastic surgery

$ curl -s ""
loaded({"ResultSet":{"@attributes":{"totalResultsAvailable":"32269","totalResultsReturned":"20","firstResultPosition":"1"},"Result":{"UnitsWord":["iPad air2","iPad MINI","iPad Pro","iPad mini4","iPad AIR"],"Item":[{"AuctionID":"f181174186","Title":"\u25cf\u65b0\u54c1\u540c\u69d8\u25cfiPad mini Retina Wi-Fi 32GB \u30b7\u30eb\u30d0\u30fc\u25cf","CategoryId":"2084259337","Seller":{"Id":"mtm_store333","ItemListUrl":"http:\/\/\/AuctionWebService\/V2\/sellingList?sellerID=mtm_store333","RatingUrl":"http:\/\/\/AuctionWebService\/V1\/ShowRating?id=mtm_store333"},"ItemUrl":"http:\/\/\/AuctionWebService\/V2\/auctionItem?auctionID=f181174186","AuctionItemUrl":"http:\/\/\/jp\/auction\/f181174186","Image":"http:\/\/\/\/image\/dr147\/auc0206\/users\/2\/9\/0\/8\/mtm_store333-thumb-1

After plastic surgery

$ curl -s ""|sed -e "s/^loaded(//" -e "s/)$//"|python -m json.tool
    "ResultSet": {
        "@attributes": {
            "firstResultPosition": "1",
            "totalResultsAvailable": "32269",
            "totalResultsReturned": "20"
        "Result": {
            "Item": [
                    "AuctionID": "f181174186",
                    "AuctionItemUrl": "",
                    "BidOrBuy": "24800.00",
                    "Bids": "0",
                    "CategoryId": "2084259337",
                    "CharityOption": {
                        "Proportion": "0"

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