Effective Java 2nd Edition Related Matters Survey Summary


<!-Description the beginning and outline-> I bought Effective Java 2nd Edition when I was a newcomer, but left it for 2-3 years. I have. When I read it back, there were quite a few related matters that I didn't know or were fluffy and couldn't explain to others, so I'm ashamed to summarize the survey contents in this article. Although it is a Java book, the author of this article is currently using C # in the field, so if there is equivalent content in C #, the content of C # may be described. In addition, this series does not follow the main points of Effective Java, but summarizes a survey of related matters that can be a barrier to understanding. As for the content of Effective Java itself, I have already referred to various summaries due to the efforts of our predecessors.

This document is as of May 2020 [3rd Edition](https://www.amazon.co.jp/Effective-Java-%E7%AC%AC3%E7%89%88-Joshua-Bloch/dp/ 4621303252) has already been published, so if you want to know the latest Effective Java, please refer to it. It seems that # Lambda expression or try-with-resource statement was added

table of contents

<!-Edit title and anchor name-> -** Chapter 1 is omitted because it is "Introduction" ** -[Chapter 2 Object Creation and Disappearance](# Chapter2)

<!-Each chapter->

Chapter 2 Object Creation and Disappearance

-What is instance control?

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