The new pi zero was released, so I bought it immediately. It seems that a terminal for the camera has been added, so I tested the camera and verified the operating time with the mobile battery.
I verified it with pi2 and two mobile batteries for comparison of operating time.
●raspberry pi zero v1.3
●raspberry pi 2
● Camera for raspberry pi
(Old product with 5 million pixels)
● Mobile battery 1 elecom 2200mAh
(Purchased about 1 year, used about 10 times)
● Mobile battery 2 elecom 4700mAh
(Purchased about 4 years, used about 30 times)
OS:raspbian New OS installed To reduce power consumption, run the GUI with CUI without starting it Make the python script automatically executed when the OS starts Comparison between pi zero and pi2 uses the same memory card
Language: python Use picamera Shoot every 60 seconds (1 minute) until the battery runs out. Save to default picture folder
import picamera
import time
with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
interval = 60
picture_width = 800
picture_hight = 600
camera.resolusion = (picture_width,picture_hight)
save_dir = "/home/pi/Pictures/"
i = 0
while True:
file_id = str(i) + ".jpg "
filename = save_dir + file_id
i += 1
Add the following above exit 0 in /etc/rc.local to run at boot time
sudo python3 /home/pi/ &
The number of shots (operating time) is as follows.
About 9 hours for pi zero and about 5 hours for pi2 at 2200mAh Pi zero for about 17 hours at 4700mAh
The 4700mAh of pi2 can be roughly estimated, so I thought it was not necessary to measure it. (Because there was no difference between pi zero and pi 2 than I expected, the tension dropped a little w)
pi zero | pi2 | |
2200mAh | 553 | 310 |
4700mAh | 1024 | - |
Like the title, I thought that pi zero would have more than three times the operating time of pi2, but that was not the case. However, 1.78 times is quite excellent. With the combination of 4700mAh and pi zero, I think it's quite possible to shoot for 17 hours.
Also, in order to verify whether the number of shots affects the operating time, I tried shooting one shot per hour, but at 2200 mAh it was roughly 9 pi zero and 5 pi2, but it was confirmed that it did not affect so much. It's done.
The difference was not as great as I expected, but considering that the battery 2 is slightly dead, I found that the operating time is almost proportional to the battery capacity. Also, it is often said that the mobile battery automatically stops supplying when the power supply becomes small, but I was able to confirm that the raspberry pi zero was okay (depending on the battery). In this case, if you use cheero or Anker's battery of 20,000mAh or more, you may be able to use it continuously for 72 hours (3 days). If you shoot every hour, using the witty pi, which has both RTC and raspberry pi ON / OFF, will increase the operating time.
The raspberry pi is really interesting to be able to play so much for $ 5. It is a unique one that makes you want to make various things.
If you have any notices, please give us your opinion (^ o ^) /
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