Set matplotlib font on ubuntu

Check Font on Ubuntu

List fonts


Check if there is a font you want to use

Example: Whether there is a font containing Takao

fc-list|less | grep Takao

Download the fonts you need <-Since this is gone, I tried the following (2017/10/07)

Download these two this time

Place the downloaded font

Copy the following to / usr / local / share / fonts / on the directory where the above two are placed

cp *ttf /usr/local/share/fonts/

Set font in matplotlib config file

Check the location of the configuration file below

>>> import matplotlib
>>> matplotlib.matplotlib_fname()

Just write the following in ~ / .config / matplotlib / matplotlibrc, (The font you want to use)

This time, TakaoPGothic

And said.

Delete Matplotlib Font cache

Lastly, the important thing that was the article of Drawing Japanese with matplotlib on Ubuntu!

Delete Font cache

rm ~/.cache/matplotlib/fontList.cache

The file name may be different, so find the file with fontList under ~ / .cache / matplotlib / and delete it.

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