[JAVA] [Ubuntu] Installation procedure for Amazon Correto 8

From Amazon Corretto 8 installation procedure, note only the Ubuntu installation procedure. I summarized it as.


Ubuntu 18.04

Download and install the Amazon Corretto 8 JDK

# java-install common package
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install java-common
# Linux .Download deb file
wget https://d3pxv6yz143wms.cloudfront.net/
#Install Amazon corretto
sudo dpkg --install java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto-jdk_8.222.10-1_amd64.deb

The download URL for the above "Linux .deb file" is from jdk_8.222.10-1 (as of September 20, 2019), so [here](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ja_jp/corretto/ Check if the latest version is available from latest / corretto-8-ug / downloads-list.html).

that's all


Amazon Corretto Documentation

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