[Python] if __name__ == What is'__main__' :?

[Python] if \ _ \ _ name \ _ \ _ =='\ _ \ _ main \ _ \ _': What is it?

About the role and processing of ʻif name =='main':` described in the .py file.

what are you doing

-** When importing a file, do not execute the following if. ** **

By default, when you import a .py file, the contents of the file are executed.

ʻIf name =='main': `By writing below, you can avoid execution at the time of import.


Uses the property that the variable __name__ behaves differently when imported and when the file is executed.


-** If imported, it will be replaced with "module name" . - If the file is executed, it will be replaced with "main" **.

Only when the file is executed, the condition of the if statement becomes True, so the contents are executed.




Practical example

How to write a file that is not output by import but is output by file execution.


def function name:

if __name__ == "__main__":
Function name()

▼ Example


def hello():
    print("hello world")

if __name__ == "__main__":

① In the case of ʻimport hello`

--No output. -The module name "" hello "" is assigned to \ _ \ _ name \ _ \ _

② In the case of $ python hello.py

--Output "hello world" -"\ _ \ _ Main \ _ \ _" is assigned to \ _ \ _ name \ _ \ _

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