Move zeros to left
An array of integer type is passed. Let's implement an algorithm that moves all elements equal to 0 to the left while maintaining the order of the other elements in the array. Let's take a look at the following integer array.
Moving all zero-equal elements to the left, the array looks like this: (Must keep the order of non-zero elements)
Runtime Complexity O(n) You need to find the 0 element in the array. Memory Complexity O(1) It can be implemented only with the array passed by using two pointers (iterators).
Place the two markers read_index and write_index on the last element of the array. <img width = "593" alt = "Screen Shot 2019-12-20 at 17.57.38.png " src = "" /405022/4eb6fef7-29d6-0684-1a39-91df7a6d3f80.png ">
While read_index is 0 or greater
If read_index points to "0", decrement only read_index. <img width = "594" alt = "Screen Shot 2019-12-20 at 17.58.40.png " src = "" /405022/e6fc1c0e-cc76-b5b6-44f7-764ead2af83a.png ">
If read_index points to a non-zero value, write an element of read_index to write_index and decrement both write_index and read_index. <img width = "564" alt = "Screen Shot 2019-12-20 at 17.59.59.png " src = "" /405022/6b20aea1-b27b-2a3d-344d-dee0eda0c1d4.png ">
read_index becomes -1, exit the loop, and assign the elements of the array to 0 from the current write_index to 0.
public class moveZerosToLeft {
public void move_zeros_to_left_in_array(int[] A) {
int readIndex = A.length - 1;
int writeIndex = A.length -1;
while (readIndex >= 0) {
if (A[readIndex] != 0) {
A[writeIndex] = A[readIndex];
while (writeIndex >= 0) {
A[writeIndex] = 0;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// write your code here
moveZerosToLeft algorithm = new moveZerosToLeft();
int[] v = new int[]{1, 10, -1, 11, 5, 0, -7, 0, 25, -35};
System.out.println("Original Array: " + Arrays.toString(v));
for (int item : v) {
System.out.print(item + ", ");
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