CentOS Linux release 8.2.2004 (Core)
An open source project management tool. A web application that runs on the framework "Ruby on Rails" of the programming language "Ruby".
It is written in various ways on the Japanese version page of Redmine. https://redmine.jp/overview/
~~ Here http://blog.redmine.jp/articles/3_4/install/centos/ In this article, I'm just going according to the manual, but the manual is based on CentOS 7.3. ~~
~~ Maybe you need special settings only for version 8 ... I feel like I'm doing that kind of verification. ~~
When I tried to install CentOS8 by the method of CentOS7.3, it failed brilliantly ... (´ ・ ω ・ `) To start over from the beginning ... There are 8 for 8 and 7 for 7.
I traced this procedure. https://serverbuild.net/2020/03/12/centos8-redmine-howtoinstall/
I wonder if the transition from yum to dnf is different from CentOS 7.
dnf -y update
dnf -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
dnf -y install openssl-devel readline-devel zlib-devel curl-devel libffi-devel subversion
dnf -y install postgresql-server postgresql-devel
dnf -y install httpd httpd-devel
Download, unzip, install from source code.
cd /opt/
wget https://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/2.6/ruby-2.6.5.tar.gz
tar zxvf ruby-2.6.5.tar.gz
cd ruby-2.6.5/
./configure --disable-install-doc
make install
ruby -After checking the version of Ruby with v, 2.6.It wasn't 5 ...
Is it a remnant of when Redmine installation failed? Hmm ... I don't know ... (´ ・ ω ・ `)
So it's a little detour.
** rbenv ≒ Prepare a guy who can install Ruby by specifying the version **.
Reference site
First, prepare the tools needed to install rbenv.
yum -y install git bzip2 gcc gcc-c++ openssl-devel readline-devel zlib-devel yum -y install epel-release yum -y install nodejs
Clone the rbenv code in Git.
git clone https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git /usr/local/rbenv git clone https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build.git /usr/local/rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
Create a new file called /etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh.
The contents are as follows.
export RBENV_ROOT=/usr/local/rbenv
export PATH=
Execute the created sh.
source /etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh
After that, change the sudo permission setting with the ``` visudo``` command.
Add the following line.
Defaults env_keep += "RBENV_ROOT"
Changed the following (Defaults secure_path).
Defaults secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/rbenv/bin:/usr/local/rbenv/shims
Now, check if rbenv was installed with ``` rbenv --version```.
If you can install rbenv ... Specify the version and Ruby insco. The following command.
rbenv install 2.6.5
Install until 2.6.5 is applied. The following command.
rbenv global 2.6.5 rbenv rehash
Check again if the Ruby version is 2.6.5 with ``` ruby -v```!
# bundler installation
Install with the following command.
gem install bundler
# Postgre initialization
First, the initialization command.
postgresql-setup initdb
Then edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf.
Add the following under ``` configuration parameter, or via the -i or -h command line switches.``` in the conf file.
host redmine redmine md5 host redmine redmine ::1/128 md5
Set to start up automatically when Postgre starts and restarts.
systemctl start postgresql systemctl enable postgresql
Create user for Redmine in Postgre.
-u postgres createuser -P redmine
"What is the password for user name = redmine?" ], So set an arbitrary password.
Obviously, make a note of your password. (Because I write it in the Redmine configuration file)
Create database for Redmine in Postgre.
-u postgres createdb -E UTF-8 -O redmine -T template0 redmine
# Remine installation
First, download the source code of Redmine.
cd /opt/ wget https://www.redmine.org/releases/redmine-4.0.6.tar.gz
However, I get a certificate revoked error.
It's possible to not validate the certificate with the --no-check-certificate option ...
Just in case, I downloaded the compressed file by another method and put it in / opt /.
Defrost. And move.
tar zxvf redmine-4.0.6.tar.gz mv /opt/redmine-4.0.6 /var/lib/redmine
Note that if the / var / lib / redmine folder exists, it will be moved to /var/lib/redmine/redmine-4.0.6! The deployment described below will fail.
(There are times when Redmine Insco fails and starts over)
Create a new /var/lib/redmine/config/database.yml.
The contents are as follows.
production: adapter: postgresql database: redmine host: localhost username: redmine password: "Postgre username=redmine password" encode: utf8
Deploy with the following command.
cd /var/lib/redmine bundle install --without development test rmagick --path vendor/bundle bundle exec rake generate_secret_token RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production REDMINE_LANG=ja bundle exec rake redmine:load_default_data gem install passenger -v 5.1.12 --no-doc passenger-install-apache2-module --auto --languages ruby
# httpd settings
Changed DocumentRoot in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.
DocumentRoot "/var/lib/redmine/public"
To be ...
And the following command.
passenger-install-apache2-module --snippet
Then, create a new /etc/httpd/conf.d/redmine.conf.
The contents are as follows.
<Directory "/var/lib/redmine/public"> Require all granted
LoadModule passenger_module /usr/local/rbenv/versions/2.6.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/passenger-5.1.12/buildout/apache2/mod_passenger.so
However, LoadModule passenger_module… The following is the return value when `` `passenger-install-apache2-module --snippet``` is executed.
Restart Apache. And set Apache to start automatically when the OS is restarted.
systemctl restart httpd systemctl enable httpd
Hit the IP of CentOS with a browser, and if the figure below is displayed, it's OK.

For the time being, I was able to ** display the home screen **, so thank you for your hard work.
Since the article has become long, I will leave the initial settings in Redmine such as "Create account" as a separate article.
# If http communication is not possible ... Part 1
It may be blocked by a firewall.
So, I will leave the permission setting method of the firewall.
Enable with the following command.
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent
```success```Don't worry with the response!
It is set until the firewall is reloaded and reflected. The following command.
firewall-cmd --reload
```success```If is returned, the setting is ok.
Is that true? Is that really the case?
That's why the confirmation command.
firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-services
OK if the response contains `` `http```.
# If http communication is not possible ... Part 2
May be blocked by SELinux.
So, I will leave the SELinux invalidation method.
I think it's better to enable SELinux, but this article aims to ** make it usable anyway **, so disable it.
So, first of all, is SELinux ** enabled now? ** ** Is it disabled? ** You have to know.
Type the following command.
```disabled```If so, it has been invalidated, so this process is through.
If it is enabled, it will be disabled. Edit the following SELinux configuration file with an editor.
Save as ``` SELinux = disabled``` as shown below. Then restart CentOS to reflect the settings!

# Serpentine
I think Postgre is better than MySQL for Redmine database.
Reading the official documentation gives the impression that Postgre is Redmine's de facto standard.
The de facto standard means ... With Postgre, there is a high possibility that "it is optimized and works smoothly" and "there is a lot of know-how for troubleshooting"!
Since I repeated trials and errors, various files were messed up ... (´ ・ ω ・ `)
I want to be able to handle Docker.
The remaining challenges.
* Let's write an article about the minimum usage of vi.
* I have a good understanding of what SELinux does. (Difference between enabling or disabling)
* Let's enable Redmine after enabling SELinux.
* Don't just copy and paste commands, just understand what they are for.
# Next article
[Let's make a minimum initial setting and test project in Redmine immediately after installation Jamaica](https://qiita.com/waokitsune/items/f214ad783c7dd073aaaf)
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