The story of updating SonarQube's Docker Container


This is the story after SonarQube in The story of making SonarQube a Docker Container.


I helped with some development, but it was in a subtle state with a fairly old version of SonarQube in an on-premises environment. Personally, I made SonarQube a Docker Container almost two years ago, so I provided it as the latest version, so it is a reminder at that time.

What you did

--Changed SonarQube Ver 7.4 to SonarQube Ver 8.4.2 --Changed DB for SonarQube from MySQL to PostgreSQL Ver 13.0 (End of Life of MySQL Support) --Changed docker-compose file to Ver 3

Changed SonarQube Ver 7.4 to SonarQube Ver 8.4.2

It's as easy as changing the Container Image you want to use to sonarqube: 8.4.2-community.

  # SonarQube Server
    container_name: sonarqube-server
    image: sonarqube:8.4.2-community

Changed DB for SonarQube from MySQL to PostgreSQL Ver 13.0

As per End of Life of MySQL Support, the latest SonarQube does not support MySQL, so PostgreSQL Transfer to.

Change the Container Image to be used to postgres: 13.0-alpine, and change volumes and ʻenvironment` by referring to the Official Guide. At the same time, change the container_name etc. to something that is easy to understand.

  #Database for SonarQube Server
    container_name: postgres-sonarqube
    image: postgres:13.0-alpine
      - "./data/postgresql/init:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d"
      - "./data/postgresql/db:/var/lib/postgresql"
      - "5432:5432"
      - sonarqube-server-network
      - POSTGRES_USER=sonar
      - POSTGRES_DB=sonar

Also, change the DB connection information (ʻenvironment) of the SonarQube` Contaner.

  # SonarQube Server
    container_name: sonarqube-server
    image: sonarqube:8.4.2-community
    command: -Dsonar.web.context=/sonarqube
      - postgres-sonarqube:postgres
      - ./data/sonarqube/extensions/plugin:/opt/sonarqube/extensions/plugins
      - "9000:9000"
      - "9092:9092"
      - sonarqube-server-network
      - "SONARQUBE_JDBC_URL=jdbc:postgresql://postgres-sonarqube:5432/sonar"

Changed docker-compose file to Ver 3

Since Ver3 is the mainstream now, change the versions of the docker-compose file to 3.

version: '3'

Operation check

After dealing with this, check the operation with the following command and finish the work.

docker-compose up --force-recreate sonarqube-server


It was easy because the main work was version upgrade work without considering data migration. I felt that this area was easy and good if I made it into a Docker Container again. I think I can do my best with this for a while.

The correspondence of this article is published in the following github repository, so please refer to it if you are interested.


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