IPython's latest version of Pineapple, the front-end app for Mac, Pineapple-0.8.0 (Python 3.5, Full version) (as of March 17, 2017) is now available on Pineapple Official Website I downloaded it from /), but for some reason the environment built with pyenv was not reflected, so make a note of the solution. I think there is a smarter way.
Check the path of the Python environment built with pyenv.
which python
Change the link destination of the directory named Current under /Applications/Pineapple.app/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/ to the path of the Python environment you checked earlier.
cd /Applications/Pineapple.app/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/
ln -nfs /Users/***/.pyenv/shims Current
Restart Pineapple and select Kernel> Change> local Python. If you change the Python version with pyenv, the Python environment of Pineapple is also changed.
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