Display around fonts in Japanese with Swift: macOS

Execution environment


--Get the font family and make it ** Japanese ** --Display a list of available font styles --Output font name in Japanese


Get the available font families

--fontFamilies List of available font families --localizedFamilyName Font localization (Japanese this time)

let fontFamilies = NSFontManager.shared.availableFontFamilies
for family in fontFamilies {
    print(family)//Font family name
    let localizedFamilyName = NSFontManager.shared.localizedName(forFamily: family, face: nil)
    print(localizedFamilyName)//Font family name(After localization)


NSFontManager.shared.availableFontFamilies --Get the available font family.

localizedName(forFamily:face:) --Localize font family names to your language

localizedName(forFamily:face:) Returns a localized string with the name of the specified font family and face, if one exists.

Return Value A localized string with the name of the specified font family and face, or, if face is nil, the font family only.

From AppleDocumentation / NSFontmanager

If you pass nil to the argument face:, you can only get the localized font family.

Show available font styles

--availableMembers (ofFontFamily :) Get available members from the font family --Get the localized name from the displayName instance of NSFont

Sample showing more available members from the font family
let fontFamilies = NSFontManager.shared.availableFontFamilies
for family in fontFamilies {
    let localizedFamilyName = NSFontManager.shared.localizedName(forFamily: family, face: nil)
    print(localizedFamilyName)//Font family name
    //Get available members from font family name
    let FontMembers = NSFontManager.shared.availableMembers(ofFontFamily: family)
    for i in 0 ..< FontMembers!.count{
        let Font = FontMembers![i][0] as! String//Get the members available here
        let FontName = NSFont(name: Font, size: NSFont.systemFontSize)//Create an instance of NSFont


availableMembers(ofFontFamily:) --Specify a font family to get the members of available fonts

For example, if you call availableMembersOfFontFamily:@"Times", it might return an array like this: (("Times-Roman", "Roman", 5, 4), ("Times-Italic", "Italic", 6, 5), ("Times-Bold", "Bold", 9, 2), ("Times-BoldItalic", "Bold Italic", 9, 3) )

From AppleDocumentation / available members

.displayName --Get the localized font name from an instance of NSFont


Not all font files are complete, so you may really need to handle the error.

Please point out any mistakes.


https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsfontmanager https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsfont


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