After practicing map (), reduce (), filter (), recursion, I wrote FizzBuzz using map (), reduce (), filter (), recursion.
First, I made a fizzbuzz (n) function.
def fizzbuzz(n):
if (n % 15) == 0:
return "FizzBuzz"
elif (n % 3) == 0:
return "Fizz"
elif (n % 5) == 0:
return "Buzz"
return str(n)
map simply calls the above function.
for s in map(fizzbuzz,range(1,101)):
print s
For reduce (), I made an mrg function.
def mrg(msg,n):
msg = str(msg)
if msg == '0':
return str(fizzbuzz(n))
return msg + '\n' + str(fizzbuzz(n))
print reduce(mrg,range(0,101))
About filter (), I wrote it quite forcibly. I wonder if there is a good way to write it.
ls = range(1,101)
msg = range(1,101)
for i in filter(lambda x: (x%3)==0,ls):
msg[i-1] = "Fizz"
for i in filter(lambda x: (x%5)==0,ls):
if msg[i-1] == "Fizz":
msg[i-1] += "Buzz"
msg[i-1] = "Buzz"
for s in msg:
print s
And recursion. This looks the simplest because there is no for.
FINISH = 100
def fzbz(n):
if n == FINISH:
return fizzbuzz(n)
return fizzbuzz(n)+"\n"+fzbz(n+1)
print fzbz(START)