[JAVA] [JUnit 5 compatible] Write a test using JUnit 5 with Spring boot 2.2, 2.3

This article describes ** "Spring boot 2.2 or higher, compatible with JUnit 5" **. I hope it will be useful for the following purposes!

  1. Update from Spring boot 2.1 or lower to 2.2 or higher
  2. Transfer from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5
  3. When writing JUnit5, I want to exclude JUnit4 in advance

0. Premise


--Java 8 ~ (Spring boot 2.2 and above support Java 8 and 11)

Knowledge that you should know

--JUnit5 is the default from Spring boot 2.2 and above --JUnit4 and JUnit5 are basically incompatible -** Currently JUnit 4 and 5 can coexist (will eventually disappear) **

1. Dependencies for using JUnit 5

Example 1. For Maven


Example 2. For Gradle

testImplementation('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test') {
    exclude group: 'org.junit.vintage', module: 'junit-vintage-engine'

2. Corrected the description related to JUnit4

--@RunWith has been abolished --Correspondence ... Deleted or changed to @ExtendWith --The import source of @Test has changed --Before support ... ʻimport org.junit.Test; --After support ... ʻimport org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; --@Before has been abolished --Correspondence ... Changed to @BeforeEach or @BeforeAll


↓ This is a reference site

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