[Learning record] Create a mysterious dungeon game with Pyhton's Tkinter

I want to make something that works with python! I thought, " Introductory course on game development made with Python " ( Practice ).

Why python's tkinter → My ultimate goal is not game development, but data collection such as scraping, data analysis, and operational efficiency. Therefore, C ++ or Unity suitable for game development? Create a game with python instead. For the same reason, I don't use the pygame library.

Even if I study scraping, data analysis, and machine learning pinpointly, I can't think of any application methods at the moment, so it's a detour, but I have the soul to learn programming while creating games. I'm eager to build NCP by incorporating machine learning and deep learning and gaining practical experience in that area.

Since I was able to learn to some extent, I tried to make something like a mysterious dungeon game by referring to the sample code (or rather remodeling).
Many people think of the trials of the wind and the torneko, but when I think of a mysterious dungeon, I think of the mysterious dungeon of Chocobo. (Is it Terry's Wonderland?) In the end, I want to make something similar to a chocobo.
For the time being, github .
The character chip was borrowed from Pipoya Warehouse . I divided it into maze_maker.py, which automatically generates a map, and tkmaze.py, which is the game itself.


import random

class maze_maker:
Automatically generate dungeons

    def __init__(self,MAZE_W,MAZE_H):
        self.MAZE_W = MAZE_W
        self.MAZE_H = MAZE_H
        self.maze = [[0]*self.MAZE_W for y in range(self.MAZE_H)]
        self.DUNGEON_W = MAZE_W*3
        self.DUNGEON_H = MAZE_H*3
        self.dungeon = [[0]*self.DUNGEON_W for y in range(self.DUNGEON_H)]

    def make_maze(self):
Make a maze
        XP = [ 0, 1, 0,-1]
        YP = [-1, 0, 1, 0]

        #Surrounding pillars
        for x in range(self.MAZE_W):
            self.maze[0][x] = 1
            self.maze[self.MAZE_H-1][x] = 1
        for y in range(self.MAZE_H):
            self.maze[y][0] = 1
            self.maze[y][self.MAZE_W-1] = 1

        #Empty inside
        for y in range(1,self.MAZE_H-1):
            for x in range(1,self.MAZE_W-1):
                self.maze[y][x] = 0

        for y in range(2,self.MAZE_H-2,2):
            for x in range(2,self.MAZE_W-2,2):
                self.maze[y][x] = 1

        for y in range(2,self.MAZE_H-2,2):
            for x in range(2,self.MAZE_W-2,2):
                d = random.randint(0,3)
                if x > 2:
                    d = random.randint(0,2)
                self.maze[y+YP[d]][x+XP[d]] = 1

    def make_dungeon(self):
Make a dungeon from the maze
        for y in range(self.DUNGEON_H):
            for x in range(self.DUNGEON_W):
                self.dungeon[y][x] = 9
        for y in range(1,self.MAZE_H-1):
            for x in range(1,self.MAZE_W-1):
                dx = x*3+1
                dy = y*3+1
                if self.maze[y][x] == 0:
                    if random.randint(0,99) < 20:
                        for ry in range(-1,2):
                            for rx in range(-1,2):
                                self.dungeon[dy+ry][dx+rx] = 0
                        self.dungeon[dy][dx] = 0
                        if self.maze[y-1][x] == 0:
                            self.dungeon[dy-1][dx] = 0
                        if self.maze[y+1][x] == 0:
                            self.dungeon[dy+1][dx] = 0
                        if self.maze[y][x-1] == 0:
                            self.dungeon[dy][dx-1] = 0
                        if self.maze[y][x+1] == 0:
                            self.dungeon[dy][dx+1] = 0

    def put_event(self):
        while True:
            x = random.randint(3,self.DUNGEON_W-4)
            y = random.randint(3,self.DUNGEON_H-4)
            if(self.dungeon[y][x] == 0):
                for ry in range(-1,2):
                    for rx in range(-1,2):
                        self.dungeon[y+ry][x+rx] = 0
                self.dungeon[y][x] = 1
        for i in range(60):
            x = random.randint(3,self.DUNGEON_W-4)
            y = random.randint(3,self.DUNGEON_H-4)
            if(self.dungeon[y][x] == 0):
                self.dungeon[y][x] = random.choice([2,3,3,3,4])


Search for dark soil in the dark soil. It's a never-ending journey. There is no goal, and I just go down the stairs while avoiding the enemy.
Score count for each step. Plus when you go down the stairs. Aim for a high score!
import tkinter
import maze_maker
from PIL import Image,ImageTk
import random

#Key input
key = ''
koff = False
def key_down(e):
    global key,koff
    key = e.keysym
    koff = False

def key_up(e):
    global koff
    koff = True

DIR_UP = 3
chara_x = chara_y = 146
chara_d = chara_a = 0
obj_a = 0
emy_num = 4
emy_list_x = [0]*emy_num
emy_list_y = [0]*emy_num
emy_list_d = [0]*emy_num
emy_list_a = [0]*emy_num
ANIMATION = [1,0,1,2]
#The material is "Pipoya http://blog.pipoya.net/From
imgplayer_pass = 'image/charachip01.png'
emy_img_pass = 'image/pipo-charachip019.png'
emy2_img_pass = 'image/hone.png'
emy3_img_pass = 'image/majo.png'
emy3_kageimg_pass = 'image/majo_kage.png'
takara_img_pass = 'image/pipoya_mcset1_obj01.png'
obj_pass = 'image/pipoya_mcset1_obj02.png'
obj2_pass = 'image/pipo-hikarimono005.png'
yuka_pass = 'image/pipoya_mcset1_at_gravel1.png'
kebe_pass = 'image/pipoya_mcset1_bridge01.png'

map_data = maze_maker.maze_maker(11,7)

tmr = 0
idx = 1
floor_count = 0
item_count = 0
pl_stamina = 150
pl_damage = 0

def move_player():
    global chara_x,chara_y,chara_a,chara_d,pl_stamina,pl_life
    if key == 'Up':
        chara_d = DIR_UP
    if key == 'Down':
        chara_d = DIR_DOWN
    if key == 'Left':
        chara_d = DIR_LEFT
    if key == 'Right':
        chara_d = DIR_RIGHT
    if tmr%4 == 0:
        if pl_stamina > 0:
            pl_stamina -= 1
            pl_life -= 1
            if pl_life <= 0:
                pl_life = 0
                idx = 2
    chara_a = chara_d*3 + ANIMATION[tmr%4]

def emy_set(emy_num):
    while True:
        x = random.randint(3,map_data.DUNGEON_W-4)
        y = random.randint(3,map_data.DUNGEON_H-4)
        if map_data.dungeon[y][x] == 0:
            emy_list_x[emy_num] = x*CHIP_SIZE+(CHIP_SIZE//2)
            emy_list_y[emy_num] = y*CHIP_SIZE+(CHIP_SIZE//2)

def draw_text(txt):
    st_fnt = ('Times New Roman',60)

def damage_cal(pl_damage):
    global pl_life,idx
    if pl_life <= pl_damage:
        pl_life = 0
        idx = 2
        pl_life -= pl_damage

def move_emy(emy_num):
    cy = int(emy_list_y[emy_num]//CHIP_SIZE)
    cx = int(emy_list_x[emy_num]//CHIP_SIZE)
    emy_list_d[emy_num] = random.randint(0,3)
    if emy_list_d[emy_num] == DIR_UP:
        if map_data.dungeon[cy-1][cx] != 9:
            emy_list_y[emy_num] -= 32
    if emy_list_d[emy_num] == DIR_DOWN:
        if map_data.dungeon[cy+1][cx] != 9:
            emy_list_y[emy_num] += 32
    if emy_list_d[emy_num] == DIR_LEFT:
        if map_data.dungeon[cy][cx-1] != 9:
            emy_list_x[emy_num] -= 32
    if emy_list_d[emy_num] == DIR_RIGHT:
        if map_data.dungeon[cy][cx+1] != 9:
            emy_list_x[emy_num] += 32
    emy_list_a[emy_num] = emy_list_d[emy_num]*3 + ANIMATION[tmr%4]
    if abs(emy_list_x[emy_num]-chara_x) <= 30 and abs(emy_list_y[emy_num]-chara_y) <= 30:
        pl_damage = 10*random.choice([1,2,2,3,3])

def obj_animation():
    global obj_a
    obj_a = ANIMATION[tmr%4]

def check_wall():
    global chara_x,chara_y,chara_a,chara_d
    cy = int(chara_y//CHIP_SIZE)
    cx = int(chara_x//CHIP_SIZE)
    if chara_d == DIR_UP:
        if map_data.dungeon[cy-1][cx] != 9:
            chara_y -= 32
    if chara_d == DIR_DOWN:
        if map_data.dungeon[cy+1][cx] != 9:
            chara_y += 32
    if chara_d == DIR_LEFT:
        if map_data.dungeon[cy][cx-1] != 9:
            chara_x -= 32
    if chara_d == DIR_RIGHT:
        if map_data.dungeon[cy][cx+1] != 9:
            chara_x += 32

def check_event():
    global chara_x,chara_y,chara_a,chara_d,idx,pl_damage
    global floor_count,emy_count,item_count,pl_life,pl_stamina
    cy = int(chara_y//CHIP_SIZE)
    cx = int(chara_x//CHIP_SIZE)
    if map_data.dungeon[cy][cx] == 1:
        #Riding on the magic circle of warp
        floor_count += 1
        chara_x = chara_y = 146
    if map_data.dungeon[cy][cx] == 2:
        #Riding the magic circle of traps
        if item_count > 0:
            item_count -= 1
            map_data.dungeon[cy][cx] = 0
            pl_damage = 5*random.choice([1,2,2,3,4,3])
            map_data.dungeon[cy][cx] = 0
    if map_data.dungeon[cy][cx] == 3:
        #Contact the item
        item_count += 1
        map_data.dungeon[cy][cx] = 0
    if map_data.dungeon[cy][cx] == 4:
        #Contact with food
        pl_stamina_recover = 5*random.choice([1,2,2,3,4,3])
        if pl_stamina + pl_stamina_recover > 150:
            pl_stamina = 150
            pl_stamina += pl_stamina_recover
        map_data.dungeon[cy][cx] = 0

def split_chip(chip_pass,chip_img_x,chip_img_y):
Divide multiple chips into one unit
    chip_list = []
    for cy in range(0,chip_img_y,CHIP_SIZE):
        for cx in range(0,chip_img_x,CHIP_SIZE):
    return chip_list

def draw_screen():
    st_fnt = ('Times New Roman',30)
    for my in range(len(map_data.dungeon)):
        for mx in range(len(map_data.dungeon[0])):
            if map_data.dungeon[my][mx] != 9:
            if map_data.dungeon[my][mx] == 1:
            if map_data.dungeon[my][mx] == 2:
            if map_data.dungeon[my][mx] == 3:
            if map_data.dungeon[my][mx] == 4:
            if map_data.dungeon[my][mx] == 9:
    canvas.create_text(1130,148,text='LIFE',font=('Times New Roman',15),fill='white',tag='SCREEN')
    canvas.create_text(1130,178,text='STAMINA',font=('Times New Roman',15),fill='white',tag='SCREEN')
    canvas.create_text(1155,210,text='{}Was damaged!'.format(pl_damage),font=('Times New Roman',15),fill='black',tag='SCREEN')

def main():
    global tmr,koff,key,idx
    tmr += 1
    if idx == 1:
        if tmr == 1:
            for emy in range(0,emy_num):
        if tmr%2 == 0:
            for emy in range(0,emy_num):
        if pl_life == 0:
            idx = 2
    if idx == 2:
        draw_text('You Died')
        if tmr == 20:
            idx = 1

    if koff == True:
        key = ''
        koff = False


root = tkinter.Tk()
root.title('Explore the dark soil with a maid!')
canvas = tkinter.Canvas(width=1256,height=864)
imgplayer = split_chip(imgplayer_pass,96,128)
emy_img = split_chip(emy_img_pass,96,128)
emy2_img = split_chip(emy2_img_pass,96,128)
emy3_img = split_chip(emy3_img_pass,96,128)
emy3_kageimg = split_chip(emy3_kageimg_pass,96,128)
takara_img = split_chip(takara_img_pass,256,64)
obj_img = split_chip(obj_pass,256,224)
obj2_img = split_chip(obj2_pass,96,128)
yuka_img = split_chip(yuka_pass,64,160)
kabe_img = split_chip(kebe_pass,256,192)

Play screen.


It's not interesting at all, but the basic processing required for the dungeon game is reasonable, such as map generation, player changing direction while stepping on it, warp zone animation, placement / movement of enemy characters, damage calculation, etc. Did you have it? I think. By the way, the attack on the enemy has not been implemented yet (sweat)

Things I want to improve
  • The enemy is just stupid and wandering around. I want to chase after it, change the movement speed, etc.
  • Allows you to attack and destroy enemies
  • (Are you quite developed?) Create player levels and stats
  • [Wish] Incorporate reinforcement learning or machine learning into the enemy

I feel that the code has not been organized yet, so I would like to improve it little by little.

Are you particular about it?

A function that decomposes character chips by specifying the number of pixels. I tried my best while collecting various information.

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