Introducing keras on virtual environment (pyenv: anaconda) on server by conda (tensorflow backend)

Anaconda2 and 3 virtual environments have already been installed in pyenv.

Introducing Tensorflow

--tensorflow installation Use Anaconda install (

	$ conda create -n tf-cpu python=3.5
	$ conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow

--Checking the anaconda virtual environment

	$ conda env list
	tf-cpu                *  ~/pyenv/versions/anaconda3-4.1.0/envs/tf-cpu
	root					 ~/.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-4.1.0
	$ conda create -n tf-cpu python=3.5
	$ conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow

--Adding environment variables If you write appropriate code in .ipython/profile_default/startup/, it seems to be executed automatically at startup. Added the following to

	> import sys
	> sys.path.append('~.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-4.1.0/envs/tf-cpu/lib/python3.5/site-packages/')

--Introduction of keras Only one line. Super easy (

	> pip install keras

--Usually, you can switch the environment with source activate tf-cpu, but it seems that you have to specify it with an absolute path on pyenv, so it is troublesome, so make it alias. I haven't changed the backend yet, and some people have written it, so I'll omit it.

	$ tf-cpu
	$ ipython
	In [1]: import tensorflow
	In [2]: import keras
	Using TensorFlow backend.
	In [3]: 


pyenv, vurtialenv, pyenv-virtualenv and conda

( Since it was described in detail in, a memo   pyenv: Version control of python, only one virtual environment for each version   vurtialenv: You can create a virtual environment with the same version   pyenv-virtualenv: It seems that pyenv can be given any name.   conda: I forgot, but I think conda is upward compatible with pyenv somewhere, so I plan to use this for the time being.

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