OpenPose is a library that detects the human body (knees, elbows, eyes, etc.) and visualizes the detected results. And this technology was announced at CVPR2017, and the skeleton detection algorithm with a monocular camera using Deep Learning was made into a library and released under the name of OpenPose.
This chapter mainly introduces how to install and compile OpenPose.
First, Go to this link, go to Windows and install one by one in the order you wrote them.
(Click here for the version in Japanese and omitted to some extent)
** If you click the blue letters on the ↑ site directly, you can go directly to the corresponding site, so let's install while referring to this **
** If you click the blue letters on the ↑ site directly, you can go directly to the corresponding site, so let's install while referring to this **
(1)Visual Studio 2015 Install the editor (if you already have one)
(2)CUDA 8
Install in the default location `, C: \ Program Files \ NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit \ CUDA \ v8.0``` (3)cuDNN 5.1 Unzip the .Zip, take out only the contents and paste it in
`C: \ Program Files \ NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit \ CUDA \ v8.0```
2.Installation - Library
② Install the library.
(1)Python 2.4.13 64 bits - Windows x86-64 MSI installer.
Install in the default location `` `C: \ Python27 (default) . And issue a command
pip install numpy protobuf hypothesis```Type the command.
Let's register the path of the environment variable by referring to
Let's register the path of the environment variable by referring to
Go to and press the green button on the top right- "Clone or download"-> "Download ZIP" to download openpose.
Unzip the downloaded ZIP and move the entire second "openpose-windows" file to `C: /`
Issue a command
\openpose\3rdparty\caffe\caffe-Let's hit windows.
Then type `` `scripts \ build_win.cmd```.
If there are no problems with the previous 1 to 3 steps, the installation will start successfully.
And the installation time here is about 0.5 hours.
And finally, the question:
#### **`Does D:\openpose\3rdparty\caffe\caffe-windows\build\..\..\include\caffe specify a file name or directory name on the target (F = file, D = directory)?,If you get, answer "D".`**
{openpose_path}\windows_project\OpenPose.sln.With the path of "OpenPose.Double-click "sln" to start up.
Next, select the one in the middle, set "Debug" to "Release", and compile.
## 6. Remaining files
(1)COCO model
Go to the site with the blue letters "COCO model" and put "pose_iter_440000.caffemodel" in place of ``` {openpose_folder} \ models \ pose \ coco \` ``.
(2) MPI model (15 key-points, faster and less memory than COCO)
Go to the site in blue letters "MPI model (15 key-points, faster and less memory than COCO)" and go to the site.
#### **`{openpose_folder}\models\pose\mpi\In the place of "pose"_iter_160000.Let's put "caffe model".`**
```Let's put "caffe model".
### (3) Take out all the contents and copy and plague
```{openpose_folder}\3rdparty\caffe\caffe-windows\build\install\bin\```Copy everything in```{openpose_folder}\windows_project\x64\release```Let's copy to
### (4) Copy and plague 3 files
#### **`{openpose_folder}\3rdparty\caffe\dependencies\libraries_v140_x64_py27_1.1.0\libraries\x64\vc14\bin\It is in`**
1.opencv_ffmpeg310_64.dll 2.opencv_video310.dll 3.opencv_videoio310.dll
Copy and
Let's plague.
With a command
\openpose-windows\windows_project\x64\Hit Release,
#### **`.\OpenPoseDemo.Let's hit the exe.`**
And if there is no problem with the previous setting, you should be able to attend.
** Be sure to type cd C: \ openpose-windows \ windows_project \ x64 \ Release
and then execute the following command **
.\OpenPoseDemo.exe --net_resolution 320x176
Hitting will increase the FPS and reduce the delay (please pay attention to the specifications of your computer).
.\OpenPoseDemo.exe --video examples/media/video.avi
When you hit, the image of the model is loaded and the analysis starts automatically.
.\OpenPoseDemo.exe --write_pose_json output/
When you hit, WebCam opens, and by the number of seconds, the location information of the person's skeleton
\openpose-windows\windows_project\x64\Release\It is saved up to output.
### If you hit "1-9" on the keyboard while it is running, only the numbers you have decided will be shown.
I often use:
#### **`.\OpenPoseDemo.exe --write_pose_json output/ --image_dir examples\photo`**