Strengthen with code test ④

Challenged problem C76

Result: 21 points Time: 60 minutes

Re-challenge: 100 After all, it turned out that thinking ability declines when time is chased.

To next time

After all, the most important thing to pay attention to in such a problem was the ** boundary of conditions **. I was able to succeed if I cleared the boundary of the condition Write the death code as a hint.

Death code

Death code


coding: utf-8

#In your favorite language

Let's Challenge! !!

x_time,y_time,z_time = input().split() #print(x_time, y_time, z_time)

day = int(input()) #print(day)

import sys line = sys.stdin.readlines()

result = [] #ghsfrh

""" for i in range(day): start, end = line[i].split()

dayss = []
days = int(end)-int(start)

for i in range(int(start), int(end)):


for j in range(len(dayss)):
    if 0 <= j and 8 >= j:
    elif 9 <= j and 17 >= j:
    elif 17 <= j and 22 >= j:
        print("Off hours")


for i in range(day): start, end = line[i].split() if int(start) >= 0 and int(end) <= 9: z_tiem_result = (int(end)-int(start)) * int(z_time) result.append(z_tiem_result) #print(z_tiem_result) elif int(start) >= 9 and int(end) <= 17: x_time_result = (int(end)-int(start)) * int(x_time) result.append(x_time_result) #print(x_time_result, result)

elif int(start) >= 17 and int(end) <= 22:
    y_time_result = (int(end)-int(start)) * int(y_time)
    #print(y_time_result, result)
elif int(start) >= 22:
    z_tiem_result = (int(end)-int(start)) * int(z_time)
    #print(z_tiem_result, result)
    #print("Off hours")




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