--I wanted to introduce WYSIWYG to django template, so I added django-ckeditor --By default, images can only be embedded from URL links, so uploading from local storage is now possible. --Since the upload screen was not translated into Japanese, I overwrote it myself and translated it into Japanese. --When uploading a heavy image, the screen does not move, so it is unknown whether it is working-> Implemented loading image
pip install django-ckeditor
to ʻINSTALLED_APPS` in django's settings.py.STATIC_ROOT
to settings.py and dopython manage.py collectstatic
in the Template. The following is an example.
(I was addicted to this setting for an hour ...)sample.html
<h2>Blog article registration</h2>
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
{{ form.media }}
{{ form.as_p }}
{% csrf_token %}
<button type="submit">sign up</button>
to ʻINSTALLED_APPS` in django's settings.py.CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PATH ='uploads /'
. (This will be the directory under MEDIA_ROOT)CKEDITOR_ALLOW_NONIMAGE_FILES = False
to limit the upload of only image files. (This specification is not required when uploading other than images)CKEDITOR_IMAGE_BACKEND =" pillow "
in settings.py, thumbnails of uploaded images will be automatically generated, and thumbnails will be displayed when browsing images that will appear later.path ('ckeditor /', include ('ckeditor_uploader.urls'))
is specified as the decorator of the url added in 5 above, it may not work well if you customize the default Usermodel of django. (For example, if you have deleted the is_staff column)
, so [Official Source](https://github.com/django-ckeditor/django-ckeditor/blob/master/ckeditor_uploader] Create urls.py according to /urls.py) and include it.
instead of @staff_member_required
from __future__ import absolute_import
from django.conf.urls import url
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache
from ckeditor_uploader import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^upload/', login_required(views.upload), name='ckeditor_upload'),
url(r'^browse/', never_cache(login_required(views.browse)), name='ckeditor_browse'),
I think you can now upload images with the settings up to this point.
In the default state, there are many unnecessary tabs. With reference to this article, I am naturally modifying Japanese by focusing on the minimum required tabs.
There is a ckeditor config.js configuration related source in static / ckeditor / ckeditor / config.js
If you edit this as it is, it seems to be troublesome later, so I create js individually and load it on the target template side.
CKEDITOR.on("dialogDefinition", function (ev) {
//Omitted because the description of the original article is as it is
With this alone, when you open the server browser
, it is not translated into Japanese as shown below.
I will translate this into Japanese.
Looking at the official source views.py (https://github.com/django-ckeditor/django-ckeditor/blob/master/ckeditor_uploader/views.py), it renders ckeditor / blowse.html
You can see that there is.
So, refer to Official source browse.html and check the necessary parts. Translate to Japanese.
Then, place it as a template of ckeditor in templates under the appropriate App of Django. (Example: blog / templates / ckeditor / blowse.html) That way, the original templates will be used and displayed instead of the libraries in the library.
If you select an image locally and press the upload button, if the image has a large capacity, it will take a long time to upload and the screen will not switch for a while. From the user's point of view, nothing seems to be working, so I'll put out a loading image so that I know it's being uploaded.
Edit the ckeditor_config.js created earlier and add the following.
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function(ev){
const editor = ev.editor;
editor.on('fileUploadRequest', function(ev){
const fileLoader = ev.data.fileLoader;
//By binding Notifications, notifications will appear on the main edit screen, but this time it's a different Dialog, so it doesn't make much sense.
// CKEDITOR.fileTools.bindNotifications(fileLoader.editor, fileLoader);
fileLoader.on("uploading", function () {
console.log("Start uploading");
fileLoader.on("uploaded", function () {
console.log("Upload completed");
fileLoader.on("error", function () {
console.log("Upload error");
fileLoader.on("abort", function () {
console.log("Upload failure");
In the above, hook to CKEDITOR's ʻinstanceReadyevent to get the file upload widget
fileLoader, A listener is set for each event defined in
You can hook to these events and control the display / non-display of the loading image respectively.
――Introduction of ckeditor is easy, but if you want to customize it, you have to read the source of the original family, which is quite difficult. ――However, making WYSIWYG on your own is more difficult, so it's a lot easier than that. ――Repeat, this article really helped me.
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