Summary about Python3 + OpenCV3

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This article is from umentu import stupid ( ) OpenCV3 article It is a summary of.

OpenCV uncle new serialization

Detect objects with OpenCV + YOLOv3 I read the QR code from a Mac camera with Python

OpenCV3 installation / environment construction

<a href=" AE% E7% 92% B0% E5% A2% 83% E3% 82% 92% E6% A7% 8B% E7% AF% 89% E3% 81% 99% E3% 82% 8B / "target =" _ blank " > [NEW] [Mac] Build an OpenCV3 + Python3 (venv) environment with just brew

[Mac] Install OpenCV3 on venv (virtual environment) of Python3 Install OpenCV3 on Python3 on Linux Mint (Ubuntu)

image editing

Extract edges of images with Python OpenCV3 Swap the RGB values of pixels with Python OpenCV3 Gamma Conversion with Python OpenCV3 Gamma conversion with Python OpenCV3 (adjustment of brightness and color) Negative-positive conversion with Python OpenCV3 (invert the shade value) Conversion from RGB value to HSV value (hue / saturation / brightness) with Python OpenCV3 Convert from Python OpenCV3 RGB to grayscale Solarization (convert gradation) with Python OpenCV3 Posterization with Python OpenCV3 Pseudo color processing with Python OpenCV3 (from monochrome image to color image?) Affine conversion of images with Python OpenCV3 (rotation, movement, etc.) Easier negative-positive conversion (shading conversion) with Python OpenCV3 Find the aspect ratio (aspect ratio) of an image with Python OpenCV3 Color reduction processing by K-Means method with Python3 OpenCV3

Image conversion

Affine transformation of images with Python OpenCV3 (rotation with center) Shearing with Python OpenCV3 (transformation that creates a parallelogram) Calculate the frequency distribution with Python OpenCV3 and output the histogram Reduce (thinner) contrast with Python OpenCV3 Emphasize (darken) contrast with Python OpenCV3 Uniformized histogram output with Python OpenCV3 Binarize the pixel value of the image with Python OpenCV3 and output it

Image sharpening

Smoothing with a moving average operator in Python OpenCV3 Smoothing with Gaussian operator in Python OpenCV3 Smoothing with the Bilateral operator in Python OpenCV3 Sharpening filtering with Python OpenCV3

Edge extraction

Edge (contour) extraction using Sobel method in Python OpenCV3 Edge (contour) extraction using Laplacian method in Python OpenCV3

Face judgment

Face judgment of images with Python OpenCV3 (with material) Mosaic processing with Python OpenCV3 Face judgment with Python OpenCV3 and mosaic Mosaic processing (Python3 + OpenCV3 + PIL) when the face is captured by the Macbook Air camera Face edge extraction (Python3 + OpenCV3 + PIL) when a face is captured by the Macbook Air camera If you see your face on your Macbook Air camera, convert your face to negative / positive (Python3 + OpenCV3 + PIL) Laughing Man Mark (Python3 + OpenCV3 + PIL) Try masking with Python OpenCV3 (with bonus) Python3 OpenCV3 to judge anime faces

Noise removal

Pixel expansion and contraction processing (erosion) (with a little explanation) in Python OpenCV3 > Try opening and closing with Python OpenCV3 to remove noise


Create mean image (Alpha Blending) with Python3 OpenCV3 Mask composition with Python OpenCV3 (flying danbo)


Find background subtraction with Python3 OpenCV3 [Video available] Frame difference with Python3 OpenCV3 (with MacBook Air camera)

Feature point

Extract feature points of images with Python3 OpenCV3 Python3 OpenCV3 connects matching features of two images with a line

Color extraction

Python3 Extracts and displays only the colors specified by OpenCV3 [Video available! ]

Object detection

Object detection using Python3 OpenCV3 Python3 OpenCV3 object detection by optical flow

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