[JAVA] Transition animation of the most popular programming languages (#programming languages #popular)

I would like to introduce an interesting video from the tweets that came out on Twitter. (It is also a memo to keep tweets)

[2020/02/22] The URL of the tweet is here.

As you can see in the title "Stack Overflow language popularity through the years", it seems to be popularity in Stack Overflow, but the graph for the period from September 2008 to November 2018 is animated. If you pay attention to JavaScript and Python, it is quite dramatic w

[Starting point = September 2008] image.png

[End point = November 2018] image.png

[2019/05/16 07:31 postscript] The original story of the tweet video seems to be the following page. JavaScript seems to be number one in the number of questions in the whole period. It seems that Python has pulled out JavaScript when measured by dividing it every month. https://www.globalapptesting.com/blog/picking-apart-stackoverflow-what-bugs-developers-the-most



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