Integrated Development Environment (IDE) vs. Virtual environment


I suddenly noticed something.

"After all, what is ** environment **?"

When I looked it up, I found that I didn't understand it properly, so I decided to keep it as a memorandum.

What is the environment?

According to the Wawawa IT Glossary, it is ** "a place to do something" **. .. It is often built on ** storage **, such as computer hardware or hard disks. In most cases, the OS is executed, and applications such as Web browsers, Office systems, Visual Studio, and Anaconda are executed on it.

And especially the environment for developing software and systems is called ** development environment **. The development environment must have the equipment, network, and software for development.

What is an integrated development environment?

An Integrated Development Environment is ** software that packages the software required for programming into one **. In other words, the language and libraries are already installed. Visual Studio is one of those applications.

What is a virtual environment?

A virtual environment is a development environment that is separated by installed modules and packages, as well as ** versions of programming languages **. By switching the language and package version for each software you want to develop, you can prevent software inconsistencies and conflicts. You can build multiple virtual environments on Anaconda. And venv is software that can create a separate Python environment in one system. You can create a virtual environment with commands and enter and exit the virtual environment.

At the end

Next, I would like to summarize the venv command.

reference [Deep Learning Practice for Medical Images]( % 82% A3% E3% 83% BC% E3% 83% 97% E3% 83% A9% E3% 83% BC% E3% 83% 8B% E3% 83% B3% E3% 82% B0% E3% 82 % B7% E3% 83% AA% E3% 83% BC% E3% 82% BA-% E6% A8% 99% E6% BA% 96-% E5% 8C% BB% E7% 94% A8% E7% 94 % BB% E5% 83% 8F% E3% 81% AE% E3% 81% 9F% E3% 82% 81% E3% 81% AE% E3% 83% 87% E3% 82% A3% E3% 83% BC % E3% 83% 97% E3% 83% A9% E3% 83% BC% E3% 83% 8B% E3% 83% B3% E3% 82% B0-% E8% 97% A4% E7% 94% B0- % E5% BA% 83% E5% BF% 97 / dp / 4274223639 / ref = pd_lpo_14_t_2 / 358-9421808-3576652? _Encoding = UTF8 & pd_rd_i = 427223639 & pd_rd_r = 459de6f3-03ed-4a8c-931d-09b12b17b121 & pd_r -4306-905a-7762d1b93740 & pf_rd_r = QJQAFMH3X03KBBP8BGFD & psc = 1 & refRID = QJQAFMH3X03KBBP8BGFD)

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