Docker + Java + SpringBoot WEB Development Hands-on 2019/08/19
--Target person --People who want to create web applications in Java --People who want to build an environment with Docker --People who want to understand how Docker works
--Main contents Hands-on from building a DB in a Docker environment to creating a WEB application in an STS development environment. What is Docker? Starting from that point, we created a DB environment and Create a simple web app using the Spring Boot framework in that environment.
--I was able to build a Docker environment in a Windows 10 environment and execute docker-compose. --I was able to get an overview of the Web application configuration file by Spring Framework and a series of construction procedures.
--Proxy problem
--Since you were working in your own NW environment, you need to set proxies in various places.
--STS proxy settings
--Proxy settings for STS (Set proxy information from Window-> Settings-> General-> Network Connection)
--Maven proxy settings
--Modified file % USERPROFILE% \ .m2 \ settings.xml
--Correction details See below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
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