Try installing Git from source using Ansible's make and unarchive modules

■ Introduction

■ PlayBook to install Git from source


- hosts: all
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: true
    version: 2.9.0
    prefix_dir: /usr/local
    src_dir: "{{ prefix_dir }}/src"
    bin_dir: "{{ prefix_dir }}/bin"
    - name: original git exist check
      stat: path={{ bin_dir }}/git
      register: exist_git

    - debug: msg="git not installed."
      when: exist_git.stat.exists == false

    - name: original git version check
      command: "{{ bin_dir }}/git --version warn=false"
      register: org_version
      changed_when: false
      when: exist_git.stat.exists == true

    - name: install dependences
      yum: name={{ item }}
        - curl-devel
        - expat-devel
        - gettext-devel
        - openssl-devel
        - zlib-devel
        - gcc
        - perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker
      when: (exist_git.stat.exists == false) or
            (exist_git.stat.exists == true and org_version.stdout != "git version {{ version }}")

    - name: make download dir
      file: path={{ src_dir }} state=directory owner=root group=root mode=755
      when: (exist_git.stat.exists == false) or
            (exist_git.stat.exists == true and org_version.stdout != "git version {{ version }}")

    - name: download git version {{ version }}
        src:{{ version }}.tar.gz
        dest: "{{ src_dir }}"
        copy: no
      when: (exist_git.stat.exists == false) or
            (exist_git.stat.exists == true and org_version.stdout != "git version {{ version }}")

    - name: make all
        chdir: "{{ src_dir }}/git-{{ version }}"
        target: all
          prefix: "{{ prefix_dir }}"
      when: (exist_git.stat.exists == false) or
            (exist_git.stat.exists == true and org_version.stdout != "git version {{ version }}")

    - name: make install
        chdir: "{{ src_dir }}/git-{{ version }}"
        target: install
          prefix: "{{ prefix_dir }}"
      when: (exist_git.stat.exists == false) or
            (exist_git.stat.exists == true and org_version.stdout != "git version {{ version }}")

The execution is as follows.

$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml


■ About make module and changed

Ansible's make module will be chenged every time I run it as it is. I want it to be changed when I first run the PlayBook, but I want it to be ʻok instead of changedwhen I rerun the same PlayBook. However, if you specifychanged_when: False, it will be ʻok even though the change was made at the first execution, so you should avoid specifying changed_when: False. So, this time, I added a version check function that combines register and when.

■ About the combination of unarchive module and https

The combination of ʻun archive and https was the songwriter. It worked fine on Amazon Linux, but it didn't work when I set the proxy in an environment where the proxy authenticates. Probably because you didn't specify to invalidate the SSL certificate. The ʻunarchive module has a validate_certs option, and it is OK if you specify validate_crets = no, but this option is not supported unless it is Ansible ver.2.2 or later. In the environment before Ansible ver.2.1, it was necessary to download with the combination of get_url, https and validate_crets = no.

■ Conclusion

This time, I tried installing Git from the source, but if you install a package that is not published by rpm from the source, it seems that this PlayBook can be applied.

Well then.

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