AWS S3 has a "signed URL". SQS can do something similar to this feature.
For example, suppose you want to create a system like this.
Consider the configuration on AWS.
** <Configuration A: API Gateway + Lambda> **
Lambda + API Gateway has a reputation for being cheap, but it becomes expensive when handling a large number of requests.
It's a rough calculation, but when there are 172.8 million requests a day, the charge for accumulating data is as follows.
service | Price per million requests | Daily charge | conditions |
Lambda | Depends on the conditions | 387 USD | Average 1 second processing, memory allocation 128MB |
Api Gateway | 4.25 USD | 731 USD | REST API |
SQS | 0.4 USD | 69 USD |
Total: $ 1187 per day
With Lambda delay, WAF, CloudFront, authentication, etc., it goes up even more.
** <Configuration B: AWS IoT + Rule Engine + SQS> **
If you have a configuration that transfers from AWS IoT to SQS with a rule engine, the price will go down. But this time ...
service | Price per million requests | Daily charge | conditions |
AWS IoT | Send: 1.2 USD Rule: 0.18 USD Action: 0.18 USD |
268 USD | rule+Take action |
SQS | 0.4 USD | 69 USD |
Total: $ 337 per day
This time, MQTT is impossible due to the port, and WebSocket is also impossible due to the terminal side.
By the way, if you can send directly from the terminal to SQS, it will cost about 1/20, $ 69 every day. There is a security problem because AWS-SDK cannot be used. Something more than that ...
It's Sorya likely.
** <Configuration D: SQS + signed URL> **
If you think about it carefully, it seems that you can do it well if you can put authentication that does not use SDK and send it directly to SQS.
In order to create such a mechanism, we will realize SQS + signed URL.
** The processing to be executed and the execution timing of each are as follows **
processing | Target | timing |
Get SQS signed URL | Terminal → API Gateway | Run once every 15 minutes |
Send terminal status to SQS | Terminal → SQS | Run once every 5 seconds |
** The data thrown by SQS is assumed to be as follows this time **
Data to send | Data content |
SQS queue name | sqs-send-request-test-0424 |
Pattern of data to send | Open/Open (terminal on, human feeling on) Close/Open (terminal off, human feeling on) Open/Close (terminal on, human feeling off) Close/Close (terminal off, human feeling off) * Send one of 4 ways |
Request a signed URL from API Gateway [^ 1]
[^ 1]: * API Gateway authentication is omitted this time. If you want to authenticate, please put the authentication information in the header of the transmitted data.
Terminal side request
curl "" -s -X POST \
-d '{"que_name":"sqs-send-request-test-0424", "patterns":["Open/Open","Close/Open","Open/Close","Close/Close"]}'
If the request is successful, you will receive the same number of signed URLs as the data pattern.
Received data on the terminal side
"url": {
"Open/Open": "",
"Close/Open": "",
"Open/Close": "",
"Close/Close": ""
The URL to send is the data of data ["url"] [$ {state you want to send}]. In the example, "Open / Close" is sent.
Terminal side request
curl ""
Every time you execute it, a $ {state you want to send} message is registered in the set topic. In the example, "Open / Close" is registered in "sqs-send-request-test-0424".
As a preliminary preparation, make a queue with SQS. Enter the name of the queue you like and click "Quick Queue Creation" at the bottom of the screen.
Also, create an IAM user dedicated to SQS. Set AmazonSQSFullAccess to the policy. No permissions other than SQS are required.
After creating the IAM user, get the access key ID and secret access key.
Create a Lambda with Python 3.8.
Set the Lambda environment variables as follows.
Environment variable key | Value to set |
AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER | AWS account ID number (The 12-digit number at the bottom left of the IAM screen) |
SQS_ACCOUNT_ID | IAM user access key ID dedicated to SQS |
SQS_SECRET_KEY | SQS-only IAM user secret access key |
Paste the following source into Lambda.
# coding: utf-8
import boto3, json, hashlib, hmac, base64, os
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from urllib import parse as url_encode
#Signature information (SHA256 format, signature version 2)
ENCODE = "utf-8"
#SQS method information (send message to Queue using REST API GET)
SQS_METHOD = "SendMessage"
AWS_VERSION = "2012-11-05"
#Time zone
UTC_TIMEZONE = timezone(timedelta(hours = 0), 'UTC')
class Credentials:
Set credentials from IAM user
def from_iam():
instance = Credentials()
instance.aws_access_key = os.environ.get("SQS_ACCOUNT_ID", DEFAULT.SQS_ACCOUNT_ID)
instance.aws_secret_key = os.environ.get("SQS_SECRET_KEY", DEFAULT.SQS_SECRET_KEY)
return instance
class Endpoint:
Set SQS endpoint information
def __init__(self, topic_name):
self.protocol = "https"
self.host_name = "sqs.{}".format(os.environ.get("AWS_REGION", DEFAULT.AWS_REGION))
self.url_path = "/{}/{}".format(os.environ.get("AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER", DEFAULT.AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER), topic_name)
def url(self):
return f"{self.protocol}://{self.host_name}{self.url_path}"
#Create an SQS signed URL
def create_presigned_url(credential, endpoint, message):
#Get the current date and time in UTC and convert it to a string
current_date =
current_date_str = url_encode.quote(
#Create a hash with a secret access key based on the data to be sent
return endpoint.url + "?" + create_query(SQS_METHOD, message, credential.aws_access_key, current_date_str, option = {
#Since the hash data is a byte array, URL encode + base64 encode so that it can be sent by GET.
"Signature" : url_encode.quote(
#Specify the secret access key to use for signing
#Specify the data to be sent (the specified data is hashed with SHA256)
create_certificate(endpoint, SQS_METHOD, message, credential.aws_access_key, current_date_str)
#Hash with secret access key
def sign(key, msg):
return, msg.encode(ENCODE), hashlib.sha256).digest()
#Create signature data in v2 format
#See official documentation for format (https)://
def create_certificate(endpoint, method, message_body, aws_access_key, current_date_str):
return "\n".join([
create_query(method, message_body, aws_access_key, current_date_str)
#Normalize query data
#See official documentation for format (https)://
def create_query(method, message_body, aws_access_key, current_date_str, option = None):
query_map = {
"AWSAccessKeyId" : aws_access_key,
"Action" : method,
"MessageBody" : message_body,
"SignatureMethod" : SIGNATURE_METHOD,
"SignatureVersion" : SIGNATURE_VERSION,
"Timestamp" : current_date_str,
"Version" : AWS_VERSION
#Signature should not be included in the hash, only when sending
#Add data to the query if Signature is specified
if option is not None:
#Convert to GET query format
return "&".join([
for key, value in query_map.items()
#Create as many signed URLs as you need
def request(credential, endpoint, data_patterns):
url = {}
for pattern in data_patterns:
url[pattern] = create_presigned_url(credential, endpoint, url_encode.quote(pattern, safe = ""))
return {
"url" : url
#Get POSTed data from APIGateway (HTTP API) arguments (data is base64 encoded on APIGateway side)
def get_payload_from_event(event):
payload_str = ""
if event["isBase64Encoded"]:
payload_str = base64.b64decode(event["body"].encode(ENCODE))
payload_str = event["body"]
return json.loads(payload_str)
#Lambda runtime entry point
def lambda_handler(event, context):
payload = get_payload_from_event(event)
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps(request(Credentials.from_iam(), Endpoint(payload["que_name"]), payload["patterns"]))
# ---------------------------------------------
#The following is for local execution
#Specify when running other than Lambda
# ---------------------------------------------
#Variables for local execution
class _Default:
def __init__(self):
self.SQS_ACCOUNT_ID = "" #Specify the IAM access key ID
self.SQS_SECRET_KEY = "" #Specify the IAM secret key
self.AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER = "" #Specify your AWS account ID
self.AWS_REGION = "ap-northeast-1" #Specify the region where SQS is located
self.SQS_QUEUE_NAME = "" #Specify the destination queue name
DEFAULT = _Default()
#Entry point when running local environment debug
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(json.dumps(request(Credentials.from_iam(), Endpoint(DEFAULT.SQS_QUEUE_NAME), [
"Open/Open", "Close/Open", "Wait/Open",
"Open/Close", "Close/Close", "Wait/Close",
"Open/Wait", "Close/Wait", "Wait/Wait"
Set the created Lambda as the back end of API Gateway.
If it's OK if you move, it's okay if you read this far. After deploying API Gateway, it should work just like a "rendering".
From here on, it will be a detailed story.
Originally, SQS has a mechanism to send messages by GET or POST without going through AWS-SDK.
Reference: Make a query API request
The simplest request method is as follows. When you hit the URL on the reference site, a message (data) will be sent to the queue (MyQueue). [^ 2]
[^ 2]: * Version is the version of SQS. For the time being, you can send it without thinking about anything. ?
Version = 2012-11-05 &
Action = SendMessage &
MessageBody = data
Note that this query will fly anonymous user messages. The default queue does not arrive with a permission error.
To receive messages in this state, you must have set them to accept public disclosure. Change the queue permissions as captured and check "Everyone".
If you don't want to accept the public release and want to send it to a specific user, set "Who am I?". ?
Version = 2012-11-05 &
Action = SendMessage &
MessageBody = data &
AWSAccessKeyId = AKIA****************
Since I set the AWSAccessKeyID, "someone" can be communicated. However, I don't know if this is really the person. You may just impersonate yourself.
Use the secret access key to prove your identity. However, since it is not possible to send the secret access key as it is, we will send the hashed version. ?
Version = 2012-11-05 &
Action = SendMessage &
MessageBody = data &
AWSAccessKeyId = AKIA**************** &
Signature = ********************************** &
SignatureMethod = HmacSHA256 &
SignatureVersion = 2 &
Timestamp = 2020-04-30T10:42:54
Signature is a hash of the data to be sent, using the secret access key as a key. The data to be sent is the entire query excluding Signature and the host information combined.
Signature Method is the algorithm used to hash Signature. Since it is HMAC-SHA256, I will tell AWS about it.
Signature Version is the signature version. This time I'm using signature version 2.
TimeStamp is the hashed date and time.
Reference: Signing version 2 signing process
The behavior is different compared to the "signed URL" of the original S3.
** The range in which data can be changed after issuing the URL is different **
In SQS, the signature changes depending on the content of the message you send. With S3, you can send with the same signature no matter what the content of the file you send.
To send different messages with SQS, you need to issue that many Signatures.
** The lifetime of the temporary credentials passed by STS is different **
For S3, the temporary access key ID issued by Lambda can be used until the signed URL expires. Similarly for SQS, what happens if you issue and grant a temporary access key ID and secret access key?
Since the access key ID disappears when Lambda ends, authentication will not pass when Lambda returns the URL to API Gateway.
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