[No code] I wrote about elliptic curves and blockchain in my thesis, so I tried to summarize the study method.

What is this article

As the title suggests, I wrote about the elliptic curve cryptography used for Bitcoin and blockchain in my graduation thesis. We will introduce the literature separately for elliptic curves and blockchains. The target audience is those who are interested in blockchain but have never studied. Also, since the literature introduced is only a small part, I hope that you will see it as one of the options when studying: relieved: By the way, I'm only posting the ones that I used as an affiliate, not as an affiliate, so if you have any other recommended documents, please point them out!


This is the first post. I'm doing math at university with a deviation of about 50, but I don't understand math at all. However, I wrote it because I majored in cryptography. I'm an engineer. If you would like to see my poor graduation thesis, please see About Me at the URL below. We would be grateful if you could give us your feedback.

Click here → https://ishihaya.com/

List of references

Blockchain Bitcoin (basic knowledge)

[Economy] The ultimate weapon of the 5G era, "blockchain"

~ Part 1 ~ A great invention that will change the future of humankind! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfIqAQUPrjA ~ Part 2 ~ Revolutionary technology to defeat GAFA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2jP94Fpoi0

I will introduce YouTube from the beginning, but it is a video of that famous Mr. Atsuhiko Nakata. The reason I brought it first is because it's interesting and super easy to understand. that's all.

Bitcoin and blockchain

https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B072JJL66R/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_zfBbEbH3TCN62 Author: Andreas M. Antonoplos Translation: Takaya Imai, Junichiro Hatogai It is called a masterpiece. I think you can read it for the time being. The code will come out from the middle.

Blockchain programming

https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4061538314/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_RJBbEbYBJMFJ1 Authors: Shigeichiro Yamazaki, Shigeru Azuchi, Shuntaro Tanaka You can experience the implementation of blockchain etc. in Ruby language. It was a good book to read as the second book.

For those who don't know anything about blockchain

https://qiita.com/hirotoyoshidome/items/0d7e18f81b4076416735 This is an article by Qiita. It is as the title. It's also a good idea to go through the Advent Calendar articles.

Blockchain Bitcoin (Practice)

The following Qiita article was helpful to actually move and learn how blockchain works.

Learn by making a blockchain ~ The fastest way to learn how a blockchain works is to try it ~

https://qiita.com/hidehiro98/items/841ece65d896aeaa8a2a For the time being, it may be the quickest to see this article and implement it.

Making a blockchain with Go Part1: Basic type

https://qiita.com/seitauc/items/553d315b84b0e7bfc4d0 I will also give an implementation example in Golang.

Elliptic curve cryptography

The following is a recommended document for those who want to know the mathematical contents. Before the elliptic curves, there is a book that has become interesting in cryptography, so let me introduce only one book first.

Introduction to modern cryptography-How can secrets be kept?

https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4065020352/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_BqDbEb72T2TC0 Author: Masahiro Kaminaga Easy to read. I think you can read it normally even if you are not majoring in mathematics. And it's interesting. From the history of cryptography such as Caesar cipher, there was also a concrete story of public key cryptography (RSA, elliptic curve).

For those who want to know more deeply, the following books are recommended.

All about cryptography Cryptography and Elliptic Curve

The first book is an easy-to-read book. I think it is at a level that can be understood in high school mathematics. I personally found the second book a little difficult, but since the various forms of elliptic curves are well written, I highly recommend it to anyone who likes to read math books.

This concludes the introduction of the literature. In the next article, I would like to go into the mathematical content of elliptic curves.

Thank you for reading.

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