Recommendation of Poetry

Python packaging mechanism

--wheel: Python package format --Files containing Python code and shared libraries (* .whl) --If it depends on other packages, it is written in the metadata

pip install numpy

Semantic Versioning

Uses X.Y.Z format versioning

  1. Major version (X) if API changes are incompatible,
  2. If it is backward compatible and functionality is added, the minor version (Y),
  3. If you fix a bug with backward compatibility, increase the patch version (Z).
pip install "numpy==1.15"

--List the packages that depend on the file requirements.txt and install them all together.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Develop multiple projects

You cannot have multiple versions of a package installed on your system at the same time!

venv (virtualenv)

--I want to install a package for each project --Entered the standard from Python 3.3 --There was a package called virtualenv for Python 2.x

python3 -m venv path/to/new/venv  #Create venv
source path/to/new/venv/bin/activate  #activation

--Venv itself will be managed manually --Typically, create a venv directory directly under the project


--Official file format for Python project management - PEP(Python Enhancement Proposals) 518 --Integrate packaging settings, setup.cfg and list of dependent packages requirements.txt --Supported from pip 19.2 --You can pip install from pypoetry.toml without --You can create a namespace tool. $ {Toolname} for each tool and write your own settings. --You no longer have to create a separate configuration file for each tool


--A tool that manages projects based on pyproject.toml --poetry init will generate pyproject.toml ――Creates and manages venv without permission --poetry run [shell script] runs the script under venv --There is also an upload function to PyPI

name = "hello"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Hello Poetry!"

python = "^3.7"   #You can also write a version of Python itself (just check if it meets)
numpy = "1.14"    #I will write packages that depend on here


requires = ["poetry>=0.12"]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"

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