Run the AWS CLI on Docker

Install Docker in advance.

docker -v

If it is installed, the version will be displayed.

Create an IAM (Identity and Access Management) user with the appropriate policy attached ( (AWS (Amazon Web Services) access type is programmatic access)

Create ~ / .aws / credentials and

mkdir ~/.aws/ && touch $_/credentials

Enter the access key ID and secret access key.


aws_access_key_id =Access key ID
aws_secret_access_key =Secret access key

See if you can list your buckets in Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) by running the s3 ls command.

docker run --rm -ti -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws amazon/aws-cli s3 ls

You can shorten the Docker command by creating ʻalias`.

alias aws='docker run --rm -ti -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws amazon/aws-cli'

Also check if the s3 ls command can be executed.

aws s3 ls

-Use Official AWS CLI Version 2 Docker Image

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