Beginner notes about django's

What I will write this time is django3. I will write about things that I especially play with. By the way, I've only been studying Django for a month and I'm new to programming, so please correct any mistakes. I would like to add more as soon as my studies progress.

BASE_DIR , SECRET_KEY, DEBUG Path (file) .resolve () = Indicates the location of the existing file. resolve ... means to be an absolute reference Specifying one level above the .parent file

What does the default BISE_DIR represent? → A hierarchy with is specified.

SECRET_key ... The private key used for encryption is specified. It is a character string that is randomly used when the startproject is executed, and it must be hidden from others.

DEBUG ... Whether or not to switch to debug mode. When the screen looks like the one below, it is True, so it should be False in the production environment.

スクリーンショット 2021-01-01 17.44.34.png

INSTALLED_APPS Reference article I also read this as the official document. The following article here was very helpful. (However, note that it is an article of django2) Introduction to Tohoho's WWW As you can see in the article, by default you are instructed to install 6 popular apps. 'django.contrib.admin', admin site 'django.contrib.auth', authentication system 'django.contrib.contenttypes', content type framework 'django.contrib.sessions', session framework 'django.contrib.messages', message framework 'django.contrib.staticfiles', a file management framework. By the way, if you add the app with the startapp command yourself, you can add it yourself (probably).

root_urlconf It's a code that describes which file Django goes through to refer to the URL when it is accessed, and basically you can leave the default settings.

templates → dirs = ・ ・ ・ Specify the location where the template is stored. If the template folder is created in the same hierarchy as, you can specify it with "DIRS" = [BASE_DIR/"templates"].

WSGI_APPLICATION Specifies the file to use when launching. I don't think I'll play with it.

databases Database instructions. The default setting is SQLLITE.

AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS Make sure your password looks like the conditions

LANGUAGE_CODE Things to play with when setting the language (basic ja)

TIME_ZONE Things to mess with regional settings (in terms of time) static_url The one that sets the image file and CSS.

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