[JAVA] [Android / Kotlin] Detailed notes 2

Display a dialog fragment by pressing a button

Note: If getSupportFragmentManager () is set to getFragmentManager (), an error will occur.


Button button = findViewById(R.id.button);
        button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                //Display a dialog
                DialogFragment dialog = new DialogFragment();
                //View getSupportFragmentManager()Is fixed, sample is an identification tag
                dialog.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "sample");

Whether to raise an alert dialog or a dialog fragment

--Both can be called from Activity. --Dialog fragment: High degree of freedom in design and processing. --Alert dialog: Design is possible by applying Style.xml. --Alert dialog: It's OK to write in the method chain or divide the process by builder. ~, Your favorite problem.

Apply R.string or R.color to something that is not a View


<string name="error_message">Please enter within 20 characters.</string>


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        final Resources res = getResources();

        TextView textVIew = findViewById(R.id.text);


Specify the number of columns in GridView

--If numColumns = "10" is not specified, only one column will be displayed. ――10 means 10 columns.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

0 test classes found in paclage Cause of'layout'error

--An error that occurs when you run in a strange place such as drawable or xml. --You can solve this problem by respecifying the activity that starts first in the frame on the left side of Run "▶" at the top of Android Studio.

getView is called only 3 times even though the number of elements is 9 in getCount

--An error that occurred while using Adapter to put elements in GridView. --GetView was called only 3 times because there were only 3 items in the GridView area. --The solution is to maximize the GridView area or reduce the size of the item.

What is setTag / getTag of adapter?

--The contents of ViewHolder setTag / getTag can be referenced by other classes (such as OnItemClickListener of Fragment). --If you don't use Tag, you can only call the method of that View in Adapter. --Hereafter, kotlin sample code


     *View drawing method
    override fun getView(p0: Int, p1: View?, p2: ViewGroup?): View {
        val itemLayoutView = p1 ?: View.inflate(this.context, R.layout.item_custom_view, null)
        var viewHolder = itemLayoutView.tag
        if (viewHolder == null) {
            viewHolder = ViewHolder()
            viewHolder.customView = itemLayoutView.custom_view as CustomView
            (itemLayoutView.custom_view as CustomView).initView(
            itemLayoutView.tag = viewHolder
        return itemLayoutView

 *Viewholder class
class ViewHolder {
    lateinit var customView: CustomView

What is the difference between [:] and [=] in Kotlin?

-[=] Is how to write when using type inference. ――When assigning immediately, use [=] because type inference is possible.



int number = 3;
var number = 3

-[:] I don't plan to substitute it immediately, and I use it when I want to substitute it someday, so I can't type infer.



int number;
number = 3;
lateinit var number:Int
number = 3

About? (Elvis operator)

-? Is basically not used. It's troublesome because there are more branches. -? Means to allow null. --It may be judged whether the return value of the method is nullOK.

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