[RUBY] Create a model to store information from the Google Books API for intuitive handling and testing

Target audience

—— How to create a Rails portfolio for books --How to create a Rails portfolio using the Google Books API

What this article reaches

Get information from the Google Books API ID and store it in a class

pry(main)> @google_book = GoogleBook.new_from_id('c1L4IzmUzicC')

pry(main)> @google_book.title
=> "Practical Rails Plugins"

pry(main)> @google_book.authors
=> ["Nick Plante", "David Berube"]

pry(main)> @google_book.image
=> "http://books.google.com/books/content?id=c1L4IzmUzicC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl&imgtk=AFLRE73ENsMYFOfY27vluLqgI1cO-b80lA7enoeZzzcDGEhA5NWIj3djHvd6gvP1zlKoMoC4V0_7fKVuIjWQDYVs4FrDjHvxoqtRUcxHZ9L7isRtsHc2Cs5iS6DPAQQcTT20Oseo9gq_&source=gbs_api"

Search by keyword and return multiple objects

pry(main)> @google_books = GoogleBook.search('Rails')

pry(main)> @google_books[0].title
=> "Practice Rails"

pry(main)> @google_books.last.authors
=> ["Sam Ruby", "Dave Thomas", "David Heinemeier Hansson"]

pry(main)> @google_books.map { |google_book| google_book.title }
=> ["Practice Rails",
 "Self-study Ruby on Rails",
 "Rails recipe",
 "Ajax on Rails",
 "Ruby on Rails 4 Application Programming",
 "How to use Ruby on Rails 5 Practical method of Rails application development taught by field engineers",
 "Ruby on Rails 5 Super Primer",
 "Rails Agile Web Application Development 3rd Edition",
 "JRuby on Rails Practical Development Guide",
 "Rails Agile Web Application Development 4th Edition"]

pry(main)> @google_books.class
=> Array

Stored information can be saved in multiple tables

pry(main)> @google_book = GoogleBook.new_from_id('wlNHDwAAQBAJ')

pry(main)> @google_book.title                                   
=> "How to use Ruby on Rails 5 Practical method of Rails application development taught by field engineers"

pry(main)> @google_book.authors
=> ["Tomoaki Ota", "Shota Terashita", "Ryo Tezuka", "Munakata Ayumi", "Recruit Technologies Co., Ltd."]

pry(main)> @google_book.save
=> true

pry(main)> @book = Book.last

pry(main)> @book.title
=> "How to use Ruby on Rails 5 Practical method of Rails application development taught by field engineers"

pry(main)> @book.authors[0].name
=> "Tomoaki Ota"

pry(main)> @book.authors.size
=> 5

pry(main)> @book.authors.class
=> Author::ActiveRecord_Associations_CollectionProxy

pry(main)> @author = Author.last

pry(main)> @author.name
=> "Recruit Technologies Co., Ltd."

What to write in this article

Create a Google Book model that stores information from the Google Books API. There are two major advantages:

--The information received from the Google Books API can be handled intuitively with Controller and View. --Logics such as acquiring information / storing and organizing information / saving across multiple tables can be written separately, and each can be tested.

This article also describes usage examples and tests with Controller.

DB design

The database stores the following information about the book:

--"Title" --"Author" --"Image URL" --"Publishing date" --"Google Books API ID"

Of course, any other information found in the Google Books API can be retrieved and saved. For the sake of explanation in this article, the amount of information to be acquired is small.

ER diagram


Prepare the Books table and the Authors table. Since there may be multiple authors for one book, we will use the relationship of book has_many authors.

However, you may want to show the representative authors instead of all the authors on a page like "List books". Therefore, prepare the ʻis_representative` column in the authors table.

You might also wonder, "If you want to get information from the Google Books API, you don't need to have it in your own database?" The story of the design and failure is listed below. Designed to acquire this resource only with GoogleBooks API and failed

In summary, the conclusion is that the information in the book should be kept in its own database as well.

Migration file

If you create a migration file, it will look like the following.

Books table


class CreateBooks < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
  def change
    create_table :books do |t|
      t.string :google_books_api_id, null: false
      t.string :title, null: false
      t.string :image
      t.date :published_at


    add_index :books, :googlebooksapi_id, unique: true

The Google Books API ID is always required, so specify null: false. Also, since it is unlikely that the Google Books API ID will be duplicated, give it a unique key.

Books that do not have a title are considered non-existent, so specify null: false.

Conversely, be careful when specifying null: false for other information. This is because the information comes from an external API, and some books may not have that information, which can cause a situation where "cannot be registered in the DB".

Authors table


class CreateAuthors < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
  def change
    create_table :authors do |t|
      t.references :book, foreign_key: true
      t.string :name, null: false
      t.boolean :is_representative, null: false


Method to hit Google Books API

First, add a module that hits the API under ʻapp / lib /`.


module GoogleBooksApi
  def url_of_creating_from_id(googlebooksapi_id)
  #Get the API URL from the Google Books API ID

  def url_of_searching_from_keyword(keyword)
  #Get the URL of the API to search from the keyword

  def get_json_from_url(url)
  #Get the JSON string from the URL and build the JSON object

There are two types of Google Books API used in this article.

--Returns information about one book from ID

https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/:ID You can get it by the URL. The following URL is an example. https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/aB4B13xGEv4C

If you don't know what information you can get from the Google Books API, check out the URL above. You can see that you can get titles, publication dates, purchase links, ISBNs, and more.

--Returns search results from keywords

https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=search ?: Keyword You can get it by the URL. The following URL is an example. https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=search?Rails

If you want to know other specifications of Google Books API, please refer to the official document. Getting Started

I'm using a gem called ʻaddressableto escape the URL. Please add the following gem to Gemfile andbundle install`.


gem 'addressable'

By the way, Rails automatically loads ʻapp / ** / **. Rb. Therefore, you can use the above three methods in the class as long as you do ʻinclude GoogleBooks Api and ʻinclude` in the class you want to use.

Model to store information

Create a model that stores information from the Google Books API as an object as follows.


class GoogleBook
  include ActiveModel::Model
  include ActiveModel::Attributes
  include ActiveModel::Validations

  attribute :googlebooksapi_id, :string
  attribute :authors
  attribute :image, :string
  attribute :published_at, :date
  attribute :title, :string

  validates :googlebooksapi_id, presence: true
  validates :title, presence: true

  class << self
    include GoogleBooksApi

    def new_from_item(item)
      @item = item
      @volume_info = @item['volumeInfo']
        googlebooksapi_id: @item['id'],
        authors: @volume_info['authors'],
        image: image_url,
        published_at: @volume_info['publishedDate'],
        title: @volume_info['title'],

    def new_from_id(googlebooksapi_id)
      url = url_of_creating_from_id(googlebooksapi_id)
      item = get_json_from_url(url)

    def search(keyword)
      url = url_of_searching_from_keyword(keyword)
      json = get_json_from_url(url)
      items = json['items']
      return [] unless items

      items.map do |item|


    def image_url
      @volume_info['imageLinks']['smallThumbnail'] if @volume_info['imageLinks'].present?

  def save
    return false unless valid?

    book = build_book
    return false unless book.valid?

    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
      book.remote_image_url = image if image.present?
      authors.each.with_index do |author, index|
        author = book.authors.build(name: author)
        author.is_representation = index.zero?

  def find_book_or_save
    if Book.find_by(googlebooksapi_id: googlebooksapi_id) || save
      Book.find_by(googlebooksapi_id: googlebooksapi_id)


  def build_book
      googlebooksapi_id: googlebooksapi_id,
      published_at: published_at,
      title: title,

It's been long lol I will explain each one.


  include ActiveModel::Model
  include ActiveModel::Attributes
  include ActiveModel::Validations

ActiveModel is like "ActiveRecord that doesn't work with database".

Active Model Basics-Rails Guide

ActiveModel attribute

  attribute :googlebooksapi_id, :string
  attribute :authors
  (The following is omitted)

ʻActiveModel :: Attributes is ʻinclude, so it can be used. ʻAuthors` is supposed to contain an array, but it seems that there is no attribute type corresponding to the array, so I write it this way.

ActiveModel :: Attributes is too good.

ActiveModel validates

  validates :googlebooksapi_id, presence: true
  validates :title, presence: true

There is no book without an ID of Google Books API and a book without a title (it seems), so put validetes in it. If a book without a Google Books API ID is stored as an object, you can return false when using thevalid?Method. (As described later, it is used in the save method)

How to define a class method

  class << self

new_from_id is the method you want to use as a class method, likeGoogleBook.new_from_id ('c1L4IzmUzicC'). There are other ways to define class methods, but the class << slef method seems to be recommended.

Reason for defining Ruby class method with class << self (translation)

Create an instance from an ID

    def new_from_id(googlebooksapi_id)
      url = url_of_creating_from_id(googlebooksapi_id)
      item = get_json_from_url(url)

The order is a little different, but I will explain new_from_id before new_from_item.

By using the GoogleBooksApi module ʻurl_of_creating_from_id and get_json_from_url mentioned above, you can get the information (JSON) of one book as ʻitem. Pass that item to new_from_item.

Create an instance from ʻitem`

    def new_from_item(item)
      @item = item
      @volume_info = @item['volumeInfo']
        googlebooksapi_id: @item['id'],
        authors: @volume_info['authors'],
        image: image_url,
        published_at: @volume_info['publishedDate'],
        title: @volume_info['title'],

As you can see by observing the contents of the Google Books API, a lot of information is in ʻitem ['volumeInfo']. Define the information you want to retrieve as appropriate as above, and use new () to create an instance. Only ʻimage_url is implemented in the following way.

Implementation of ʻimage_url`


    def image_url
      @volume_info['imageLinks']['smallThumbnail'] if @volume_info['imageLinks'].present?

Some books do not contain volume_info ['imageLinks'], so if you try to use it with just volume_info ['imageLinks'] ['small Thumbnail'], you will get an error of ʻundefind. there is. Implement as above to avoid issuing ʻundefind.

Also, this ʻimage_url method is unlikely to be used outside the class, so define it under private`.

Class method that returns search results as a group of instances

    def search(keyword)
      url = url_of_searching_from_keyword(keyword)
      json = get_json_from_url(url)
      items = json['items']
      return [] unless items

      items.map do |item|

If you use the Google Books API that returns search results, you will get multiple ʻitems. ʻItems is in the form of[item1, item2, item3, ...]as an array. By doing new_from_item (item) one by one in the map method, it can be returned in the form of an array[googlebook1, googlebook2, googlebook3, ...].

If the keyword is inappropriate, the API that returns the search result group does not return ʻitems, so even in that case, the error ʻundefind will occur. Therefore, by inserting a line of return [] unless items, if ʻitems` does not exist, an empty array will be returned.

The explanation of the save method and the find_book_or_save method still remains, but I think it is easier to understand how to use it in the Controller first, so I would like to move on to the explanation of the Controller.

Example of use in Controller

I think there are two ways to use the GoogleBook class: "search screen" and "resource registration (create)".



  resources :books, only: %i[create show], shallow: true do
    collection do
      get :search

Set the above routing in advance. I will omit the explanation because it will be out of sync with the main line.

Search screen Controller


class BooksController < ApplicationController
  def search
    @search_form = SearchBooksForm.new(search_books_params)
    books = GoogleBook.search(@search_form.keyword)
    @books = Kaminari.paginate_array(books).page(params[:page])


  def search_books_params
    params.fetch(:q, keyword: '').permit(:keyword)

Excuse me for this article, but I will implement the search form in the manner of the following article. [Ruby on Rails] Send search keywords to controller using form object

Pass the received search keyword (@ search_form.keyword) to GoogleBook.search and receive the search results as an array of instances generated from the GoogleBook class.

After that, it's optional, but I wanted to display the search results with kaminari pagination, so I passed it to Kaminari.paginate_array and used it.

Resource registration Controller ver.1 (NG example written only with conventional methods)

Here's what I want to do.

--Restore the information that you had in the Google Book model in the Book model or the ʻAuthor` model --Validation --Save to DB when validation is successful


class BooksController < ApplicationController
  def create
    google_book = GoogleBook.new_from_id(create_book_params[:googlebooksapi_id])
    @book = Book.build(
              googlebooksapi_id: google_book.googlebooksapi_id,
              published_at: google_book.published_at,
              title: google_book.title,
    if @book.valid?
      @book.remote_image_url = google_book.image if google_book.image.present?
      google_book.authors.each.with_index do |author, index|
        @author = @book.authors.build(name: author)
        @author.is_representation = index.zero?
      redirect_to @book
      redirect_to search_books_path, danger: 'Failed to display the page'


  def create_book_params

However, there are various problems with the above implementation.

--It has become a Fat Controller --I haven't played duplicate books --I can't use ʻActiveRecord :: Base.transaction` even though I'm registering data to multiple resources

Especially the problem of Fat Controller has to be dealt with. In the first place, I think that the process related to saving to this DB is the process that the GoogleBook model is responsible for. Therefore, we will define the save logic as an instance method of GoogleBook.

Save method that realizes saving to multiple tables


  def save
    return false unless valid?
    book = build_book

    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
      book.remote_image_url = image if image.present?
      if authors.present?
        authors.each.with_index do |author, index|
          author = book.authors.build(name: author)
          author.is_representative = index.zero?


  def build_book
      googlebooksapi_id: googlebooksapi_id,
      published_at: published_at,
      title: title,

I want to return true if the save succeeds and false if it fails so that it looks like the save method of ʻActiveRecord. Therefore, in one line of return false unless valid?, false is returned when it fails with valid? . You can also return true on success by inserting a line of true` at the end of success.

By enclosing it in ʻActiveRecord :: Base.transaction, you can run rollback when multiple resources are registered and fail in the middle. In this case, even if something goes wrong with ʻauthor.save in the second half, you can cancel the book.save in the first half.

book.remote_image_url = image if image.present? is the logic for uploading images with Carrierwave. Since it deviates from the main line, I will omit the explanation this time.

ʻAuthor.is_representative = index.zero? Is a line to make the author in the first index of the ʻauthors array the" representative author ". This is also the reason why we use ʻeach.with_index` to rotate the array.

Resource registration Controller ver.2 (Duplicate registration is done)


class BooksController < ApplicationController
  def create
    google_book = GoogleBook.new_from_id(create_book_params[:googlebooksapi_id])
    if google_book.save
      @book = Book.find_by(googlebooksapi_id: google_book.googlebooksapi_id)
      redirect_to @book
      redirect_to search_books_path, danger: 'Failed to display the page'


  def create_book_params

It's pretty refreshing, but there are still problems. There is a possibility that the Google Books API ID will be duplicated, that is, the same book will be registered.

find_or_create_by flavorful implementation

Here's what we want to achieve:

--If the book is already in the books table, return the model corresponding to that record --If not, execute the save method and return the model corresponding to the newly created record. --Returns false if the books are not in the books table and the save method fails

In terms of ʻActiveRecord, you want to achieve behavior similar to find_or_create_by. As an instance method of GoogleBook, implement it as find_book_or_save` method as follows.


  def find_book_or_save
    if Book.find_by(googlebooksapi_id: googlebooksapi_id) || save
      Book.find_by(googlebooksapi_id: googlebooksapi_id)

Resource registration Controller ver.3 (completed)


class BooksController < ApplicationController
  def create
    google_book = GoogleBook.new_from_id(create_book_params[:googlebooksapi_id])
    if (@book = google_book.find_book_or_save)
      redirect_to @book
      redirect_to search_books_path, danger: 'Failed to display the page'


  def create_book_params

Write a test in RSpec

There are three types of tests to be dealt with this time.

--Testing the method of hitting the Google Books API --Model test of Google Book --Request specifications when registering a book

I'm a little unsure about how to write the test, so I'm looking forward to pointing out lol

Testing methods for hitting the Google Books API


require 'rails_helper'

describe GoogleBooksApi do
  let(:test_class) { Struct.new(:google_books_api) { include GoogleBooksApi } }
  let(:google_books_api) { test_class.new }

  it 'You can get a kind that returns multiple data by hitting the API to search' do
    url = google_books_api.url_of_searching_from_keyword('Rails')
    expect(google_books_api.get_json_from_url(url)['kind']).to eq 'books#volumes'

  it 'You can get a kind that returns specific data by hitting the API to get book information from ID' do
    GOOGLE_BOOKS_API_ID_SAMPLE = 'aB4B13xGEv4C'.freeze
    url = google_books_api.url_of_creating_from_id(GOOGLE_BOOKS_API_ID_SAMPLE)
    expect(google_books_api.get_json_from_url(url)['kind']).to eq 'books#volume'
    expect(google_books_api.get_json_from_url(url)['id']).to eq GOOGLE_BOOKS_API_ID_SAMPLE

For how to test the module, I referred to the following site.

[Ruby on Rails] Even beginners want to unit test methods! !!

Google Book model test

First, define FactoryBot.


FactoryBot.define do
  factory :google_book do
    googlebooksapi_id { 'wlNHDwAAQBAJ' }
    authors do
        'Tomoaki Ota',
        'Shota Terashita',
        'Ryo Tezuka',
        'Munakata Ayumi',
        'Recruit Technologies Co., Ltd.'
    image { 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=wlNHDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl&imgtk=AFLRE70j5lrdzOYN-iUu8w-G_JJKpEhnpUGAgqyZd7rj4jHu59NcAU48eQ75T4fkdyyZD6dMlwjjw0sAdQSKY_HiEdNBMMeyDn4DUmOcY-oLHFRAnxPXocc_T_PA7NYdSlZdwKckhCMy&source=gbs_api' }
    published_at { '2018-01-24' }
    title { 'How to use Ruby on Rails 5 Practical method of Rails application development taught by field engineers' }

On-site Rails. Next is the main body of the model test.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe GoogleBook, type: :model do
  it 'Have a valid factory' do
    google_book = build(:google_book)
    expect(google_book).to be_valid

  it 'Invalid when the Google Books API ID does not exist' do
    google_book = build(:google_book, googlebooksapi_id: nil)
    expect(google_book.errors.messages[:googlebooksapi_id]).to include('Please enter')

  it 'Invalid when the title does not exist' do
    google_book = build(:google_book, title: nil)
    expect(google_book.errors.messages[:title]).to include('Please enter')

  it 'Being able to generate the desired instance from the ID of the Google Books API' do
    googlebooksapi_id = 'YEfUBgAAQBAJ'
    google_book = GoogleBook.new_from_id(googlebooksapi_id)
    expect(google_book.title).to eq '2D game programming starting with SpriteKit Swift support'
    expect(google_book.googlebooksapi_id).to eq googlebooksapi_id
    expect(google_book.authors).to eq %w[Yoshitaka Yamashita Tomotsune Murata Tomoai Hara Hidehiko Kondo]
    expect(google_book.author).to eq 'Yoshitaka Yamashita'

  it 'Returns multiple search results from the appropriate keywords and the title contains the keywords' do
    keyword = 'Ruby'
    keyword_count = 0
    google_books = GoogleBook.search(keyword)
    expect(google_books.size).to be >= 5 #Can return 5 or more search results
    google_books.each do |google_book|
      if google_book.title.include?(keyword)
        keyword_count += 1
    expect(keyword_count).to be >= 5 #Can return 5 or more titles including the keyword Ruby

  it 'Do not return search results from inappropriate keywords' do
    keyword = 'bbvjnaovnaov' #suitable
    google_books = GoogleBook.search(keyword)
    expect(google_books.size).to be 0

  describe 'When saving' do
    context 'When you have only inappropriate information' do
      let(:google_book) { build(:google_book, googlebooksapi_id: nil) }
      it 'Failed to save' do
        expect { google_book.save }.to change { Book.count }.by(0).and change { Author.count }.by(0)
      it 'Returning false' do
        expect(google_book.save).not_to be_truthy

    context 'When you have the right information' do
      let(:google_book) { build(:google_book, authors: [
                                  'Tomoaki Ota',
                                  'Shota Terashita',
                                  'Ryo Tezuka',
                                  'Munakata Ayumi',
                                  'Recruit Technologies Co., Ltd.'
      it 'What can be saved' do
        expect { google_book.save }.to change { Book.count }.by(1).and change { Author.count }.by(5)
      it 'Returning true' do
        expect(google_book.save).to be_truthy

    context 'Even when you don't have only the author's information' do
      let(:google_book) { build(:google_book, authors: nil) }
      it 'What can be saved' do
        expect { google_book.save }.to change { Book.count }.by(1).and change { Author.count }.by(0)
      it 'Returning true' do
        expect(google_book.save).to be_truthy

I've just tested the validation and each method, so I don't think it needs much explanation.

Request specifications when registering a book


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe 'Books', type: :request do
  it 'Being able to register a book with the appropriate Google Books API ID' do
    expect {
      post '/books', params: { googlebooksapi_id: 'xPbRxgEACAAJ' }
    }.to change { Book.count }.by(1)
    expect(response).to redirect_to book_path(Book.last.id)

  it 'Failed to register a book that has already been registered and transition to the details screen.' do
    same_google_books_api_id = 'xPbRxgEACAAJ'
    create(:book, googlebooksapi_id: same_google_books_api_id)
    expect {
      post '/books', params: { googlebooksapi_id: same_google_books_api_id }
    }.to change { Book.count }.by(0)
    expect(response).to redirect_to book_path(Book.find_by(googlebooksapi_id: same_google_books_api_id))

The corresponding Controller is that of "Resource Registration Controller ver.3 (Completed)". ~~ The test is easy and easy to explain ~~

That's it. I would like to improve it, so I would be grateful if you could point out any mistakes or areas that need improvement.

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