Code that I wish I had remembered when I participated in AtCoder for the first time (Reflection 1 for the next time)

March 28, 2020. I participated in AtCoder for the first time.

Participated contest AtCoder Beginner Contest 160 Solve 3 questions A to C and time out with D. I was disappointed that I couldn't do it more than I expected As a review, I will put together the code that I wish I had done quickly.

A collection of codes that you want to be able to write immediately

When multiple numbers are input to the standard input of one line

A=temp.split(" ")
A=[int(i) for i in A]

Let the list A of the entered numbers be cap1.PNG

Add values to the empty list in a loop


for i in range(N):



Returns the maximum value in the list and its index

Before that···

Random number list generation
import random

L=[random.randint(0, 100) for i in range(5)]


Maximum index

#Maximum value



Two-dimensional array initialization

#5 rows x 4 columns
D = [[0] * 4 for i in [1] * 5]

#Substitute 1 in the 3rd row and 4th column



Let's complete Problem D, which was in the process of being implemented

・ Undirected graph ・ BFS (breadth-first search) Let's find out about the keywords of.

2020/4/1 postscript

I tried to make the program that I had made halfway to the end, but it became quite complicated, so I'm sorry. I will study algorithms obediently. ↓ ↓ For studying graph structure, I made a graph class myself and drew it. Create your own graph structure class and its drawing with python

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