Java Two Lists are ignored in order, null is ignored, and duplicates are ignored.

Table of Contents ⇒ Java Algorithm Library-Artery-Sample

package jp.avaj.lib.algo;

import java.util.List;

import jp.avaj.lib.def.ArDuplicate;
import jp.avaj.lib.def.ArNull;
import jp.avaj.lib.def.ArSeq;
import jp.avaj.lib.test.L;

 *Equal value judgment is performed by ignoring the order of two Lists, ignoring null, and ignoring duplicates.
 *-Use the following methods of ArList
 *    equals(List<T> list0,List<T> list1,ArSeq arSeq,ArNull arNull,ArDuplicate arDup)
 *・ Ignore order is ArSeq.Specify IGNORE.ArSeq if not ignored.NOT_Specify IGNORE.
 *・ Ignore null is ArNull.Specify IGNORE.ArNull if not ignored.NOT_Specify IGNORE.
 *・ Ignore duplicates is ArDuplicate.Specify IGNORE.ArDuplicate if not ignored.NOT_Specify IGNORE.
 *-In this sample, I specified to ignore separately, but it is OK even if they are mixed.
public class Q01_05 {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<String> list0;
    List<String> list1;

    L.p("Judge by ignoring the order");
       list0 = ArList.construct("aaaa,bbbb,cccc");
       list1 = ArList.construct("bbbb,cccc,aaaa");
       //First, do not ignore
       //Ignore and judge.

    L.p("Judge by ignoring null");
      list0 = ArList.construct(new String[]{"aaaa",null,"bbbb","cccc"});
      list1 = ArList.construct(new String[]{"aaaa","bbbb","cccc",null});
      //First, do not ignore
      //Ignore and judge.

    L.p("Ignore duplication and judge");
      list0 = ArList.construct("aaaa,bbbb,cccc");
      list1 = ArList.construct("aaaa,bbbb,cccc,bbbb");
      //First, do not ignore
      //Ignore and judge.



Judge by ignoring the order
Judge by ignoring null
Ignore duplication and judge

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