I tried to touch the API of ebay


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Try using the Finding API

Finding API Product search function on the eBay platform You can get search results for products listed on eBay with the API

I will run it with python


import requests
import csv

appkey =Obtained APP KEY
keywords =Keywords you want to search

URL = "http://svcs.ebay.com/services/search/FindingService/v1?OPERATION-NAME=findItemsByKeywords"\

def get_page():
    request = requests.get(URL)
    products = request.json()

    for item in (products["findItemsByKeywordsResponse"][0]["searchResult"][0]["item"]):
        itemId = item["itemId"][0]
        title = item["title"][0]
        currency = item["sellingStatus"][0]["currentPrice"][0]["@currencyId"]
        price = item["sellingStatus"][0]["currentPrice"][0]["__value__"]

        data = {
            "itemId": itemId,
            "title": title,
            "currency": currency,
            "price": price
        with open("eBayAPI.csv", "a") as csvfile:
            row = [
            writer = csv.writer(csvfile)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Value returned

def get_page():
    request = requests.get(URL)
    products = request.json()

The value returned here is returned in this way.

  "findItemsByKeywordsResponse": [{
    "ack": ["Success"],
    "version": ["1.13.0"],
    "timestamp": ["2021-01-07T03:03:03.718Z"],
    "searchResult": [{
      "@count": "100",
      "item": [
          "itemId": ["303483892785"],
          "title": ["Spider-man retro Marvel Legends Venom Miles Morales Spiderverse Gwen Stacy UPICK"],
          "globalId": ["EBAY-US"],
          "primaryCategory": [{
            "categoryId": ["158671"],
            "categoryName": ["Comic Book Heroes"]
          "galleryURL": ["https://thumbs1.ebaystatic.com/pict/04040_0.jpg "],
          "viewItemURL": ["https://www.ebay.com/itm/Spider-man-retro-Marvel-Legends-Venom-Miles-Morales-Spiderverse-Gwen-Stacy-UPICK-/303483892785?var=0"],
          "autoPay": ["true"],
          "postalCode": ["951**"],
          "location": ["San Jose,CA,USA"],
          "country": ["US"],
          "shippingInfo": [{
            "shippingServiceCost": [{
              "@currencyId": "USD",
              "__value__": "5.99"
            "shippingType": ["FlatDomesticCalculatedInternational"],
            "shipToLocations": ["Worldwide"],
            "expeditedShipping": ["false"],
            "oneDayShippingAvailable": ["false"],
            "handlingTime": ["1"]
          "sellingStatus": [{
            "currentPrice": [{
              "@currencyId": "USD",
              "__value__": "12.95"
            "convertedCurrentPrice": [{
              "@currencyId": "USD",
              "__value__": "12.95"
            "sellingState": ["Active"],
            "timeLeft": ["P5DT0H12M28S"]
          "listingInfo": [{
            "bestOfferEnabled": ["false"],
            "buyItNowAvailable": ["false"],
            "startTime": ["2020-02-12T03:15:31.000Z"],
            "endTime": ["2021-01-12T03:15:31.000Z"],
            "listingType": ["FixedPrice"],
            "gift": ["false"], "watchCount": ["502"]
          "returnsAccepted": ["false"],
          "condition": [{
            "conditionId": ["3000"],
            "conditionDisplayName": ["Used"]
          "isMultiVariationListing": ["true"],
          "topRatedListing": ["false"]
          "itemId": ["133473696803"]...

Please extract the required value by yourself. This time, I am trying to get the product ID, product name, currency, price.

        itemId = item["itemId"][0]
        title = item["title"][0]
        currency = item["sellingStatus"][0]["currentPrice"][0]["@currencyId"]
        price = item["sellingStatus"][0]["currentPrice"][0]["__value__"]

After that, the acquired product information is output as csv.

It seems that you can also search by filter or search in a specific store. I think that market research will be easier if it is used well.

Next, I will write about the article on ebaysdk.

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