

class Cal(object):
    def add_num_and_double(self, x, y):

        if type(x) is not int or type(y) is not int:
            raise ValueError
        result = x + y
        result *= 2
        return result

Test calculation.py with unittest


import unittest
import calculation

release_name = 'lesson2'

class CalTest(unittest.TestCase):

    #Called before the test runs
    def setUp(self):
        print('set up')
        self.cal = calculation.Cal()

    #Called after the test
    def tearDown(self):
        print('clean up')
        del self.cal

    #@unittest.skip('skip')You can skip the test with, but this time we will not skip it
    @unittest.skipIf(release_name == 'lesson', 'skip!')
    def test_add_num_and_double(self):#test_Make it in the form of a method name
        #cal = calculation.Cal()
        self.assertEqual(self.cal.add_num_and_double(1, 1), 4)

    #Exception test
    def test_add_num_and_double_raise(self):
        #cal = calculation.Cal()
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self.cal.add_num_and_double('1', '1')

#Not required for pycharm
#if __name__ == '__main__':
#    unittest.main()

You can see that setup and teardown are called twice each.


PASSED             [ 50%]set up
clean up
PASSED       [100%]set up
clean up

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