ZipArchive couldn't be used with the Laravel image launched by ConoHa.


I was able to use it normally on my Homestead, so I was developing it without worrying about it, but when I deployed it, I got an error, so I was in trouble. Check the extension for the time being.

$ php --ri zip
Extension 'zip' not present.

There isn't.



$ sudo yum install --enablerepo=remi,remi-php72 php-pecl-zip

apache restart

$ sudo systemctl restart httpd.service


$ php --ri zip


Zip => enabled
Zip version => 1.19.0
Libzip headers version => 1.7.0
Libzip library version => 1.7.3
BZIP2 compression => Yes
XZ compression => Yes
AES-128 encryption => Yes
AES-192 encryption => Yes
AES-256 encryption => Yes

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