[JAVA] Glossary: Accessor / Accessor Method, Encapsulation

Supplement before entering the accessor method

What is [encapsulation]?

・ One of the features of object-oriented languages -Store relevant data and programs in a container ・ Container = object (* The name of the container was described as an object. We will correct it.)

・ Accommodates fields and methods ・ The contained items cannot interfere from outside the class. (* It seems that there are some that can interfere. Thank you for pointing out.)

-Fields and methods contained in the object are protected from external interference. ・ Encapsulation is to put it in an object and prevent it from being touched by others.

What is [Accessor / Accessor Method]?

-Methods provided for the purpose of mediating field access -Update and retrieval of field values go through the method of the object (container). -All field values cannot be accessed without the methods "set ○○" and "get ○○". ・ This "set ○○" and "get ○○" are called accessors.

What is [Field]? ・ One of the components of class

About [Class] · Consists of fields and methods (Example)

public class test{

 int a;         //field
 String b;       //field

 public int getA{    //Method
  return x;

 public void setB(String b){    //Method
  this.b = b;

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