[JAVA] [Useful to remember !!!] Easy creation of constructor and getter / setter in Eclipse

1. Prior knowledge

-[Latest] How to build Java environment on Ubuntu

-[Even beginners can do it! ] How to create a Java environment on Windows 10 (JDK14.0.1)

-[Easy-to-understand explanation! ] How to use Java instance

-[Even beginners can do it! ] How to install Eclipse on Windows 10 (Java environment construction)

As prior knowledge, the contents of the above link are required.

2. Easy creation of Eclipse constructor


  1. Do a right click in the class. 02.png
  2. Select `Source → Generate Constructor Using Field``. 03.png
  3. Select the variable to be received as an argument, check Skip calling the default constructor super (), and click the Generate button. 04.png
  4. Success if constructor is generated.

2. Easy getter / setter creation of Eclipse


  1. Do a right click in the class.
  2. Select [Source] → [Generate getters and setters]. 06.png
  3. Select the target variable and click the generate button. 07.png
  4. Success if getter and setter are generated.

3. Related

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