Create an HTML/XML generator in Swift (dynamicMemberLookup)


Create a DSL that generates HTML/XML in Swift using @dynamicMemberLookup. (I made)


It is distributed in the form of Swift PM.

Code example


Write Swift in the following form.

                                    .td[character: "one"]
                                    .td[character: "two"]

If you write Swift code with the above structure, HTML text will be generated in the following form.


XML You can generate XML as well. Connect the recipe and the procedure with dot access.

MarkUp(doctype: #"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>"#)
                .procedure[character: "Mix all ingredients together."]
                .procedure[character: "Place in the oven at 180 ° C and bake for 30 minutes."]

This will generate XML in the following form.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <procedure>Mix all ingredients together.</procedure>
    <procedure>Place in the oven at 180 ° C and bake for 30 minutes.</procedure>

How it works

We use @dynamicMemberLookup to generate these tags.


dynamicMemberLookup is a feature added in Swift 4.2. When @dynamicMemberLookup is given, you can access with dots as if a proper paddy is implemented, and internally you will write the processing for dot access in the part ofsubscript (dynamicMember :).

In the case of the above code, subscript (dynamicMember :) works by accessing .html, .body, .recipe, etc., and the process to generate the tag is performed.

    public subscript(dynamicMember member: String) -> MarkUp {
    public func tagName(_ tagName: String) -> MarkUp {
        return MarkUp(tag: tagName,queue: queue)

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