How to remotely debug a javaFX program executed by Raspberry Pi from Windows 10-From environment construction to debug execution ①-

It's long, so write it separately

Build a cross-development environment using Eclipse on Windows 10

Download the version you like from the following site and extract it to an appropriate folder. Avoid putting it in a folder that is too deep and the name of the folder that contains Japanese will fit. image.png 2. Here we use Eclipse 4.8 Photon. Versions that are too new are incompatible with older plugins image.png 3. Select Windows 64bit Full Edition java image.png 4. Click the link to download Download speed is a curse ... image.png 5. Extract to a suitable folder and start (Extracted folder) Start with \ pleiades-4.8 \ pleiades \ eclipse \ eclipse.exe

  1. At startup, you will be asked where to save the project, so decide appropriately image.png

  2. Screen immediately after startup image.png

  3. Select "File"-"New"-"Other"-"JavaFX Project" image.png

  4. Enter HelloRemote for the project name and click Next image.png

  5. Click "Next" as it is image.png

  6. Change language to "FXML" Select Anchor Pane as the route type Click "Finish" image.png

Install Scene Builder and work with Eclipse

  1. Download image.png


Select Windows Installer as platform You can download it by pressing the download button and waiting for a while. SceneBuilder-11.0.0.msi Install ....

  1. Link Eclipse and Scene Builder Open "Window"-"Settings"-"javaFX" Select and apply ScnenBuilder executable image.png

  2. Right-click Sample.fxml from the Eclipse Package Explorer and execute Open with Scene Builder. image.png

  3. SceneBuilder opens image.png

  4. Select Document-Hierarchy-AnchorPane and change MinWidth and MinHeight to 640 and 480. image.png

  5. Drag and drop Button from Controls panel image.png

  6. Select Button object, enter fx: id of Code as testBT, and onAction as onTestBT image.png

  7. Place Label in the same way fx: id is testLB image.png

  8. Save it for the time being image.png

  9. Select View --ViewSampleControlSkelton image.png

  10. Check Full at the bottom right and click "Copy" Copied to clipboard image.png

  11. Go back to Eclipse and double-click in Package Explorer image.png

  12. After erasing everything, paste the contents of the clipboard image.png

  13. Right-click in Package Explorer and run it in a Java application image.png

  14. Select priority launcher image.png

  15. Save image.png

  16. Executes but nothing is displayed image.png

  17. Close the program and run the project clean If you do not do this, just saving with SceneBuilder will not be reflected on the project side image.png

  18. Run again image.png

Program changes

  1. Open in Package Explorer and modify @FXML void onTestBT(ActionEvent event) { Platform.runLater(() ->testLB.setText("HelloFX")); } image.png

  2. Execute If you press Button and the label changes to HelloFX, there is no problem. image.png

next time###

I will explain how to place this program on the Raspberry Pi and execute it.

2020.0726 kamoshika It has nothing to do with this article, but ... I'll post a link to the main channel

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