[Go] Create a CLI command to change the extension of the image


Before this, I participated in the study room of ** Gopher Dojo ** and searched for the Gopher Dojo issues that I had been interested in for a long time on github. , (Is it okay to do it ...?) I practiced.

The first issue was ** changing the extension of the image **. I want to output it for the time being, so I will write various things here. Also, from the package used, I will explain a little about flag, ʻos, path / filepath, ʻimage.


# go version
go version go1.15.2 linux/amd64

# tree
|- conversion
|       |- conversion.go
|- go.mod
|- main.go

Actual code

For the time being, the repository is here


package main

import (

var (
	extension string
	imagepath string
	dirpath   string

func main() {

	flag.StringVar(&extension, "e", "jpeg", "Specifying the extension")
	flag.StringVar(&imagepath, "f", "", "Specify the path of the file to be converted")
	flag.StringVar(&dirpath, "d", "", "Specifying the file name after conversion")
	err := conversion.ExtensionCheck(extension)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	err = conversion.FilepathCheck(imagepath)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	err = conversion.DirpathCheck(dirpath)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	f := filepath.Ext(imagepath)
	err = conversion.FileExtCheck(f)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	fmt.Println("Converting ...")

	err = conversion.FileExtension(extension, imagepath, dirpath)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)


Conversion is a package for changing the extension of an image.
package conversion

import (

	_ "image/gif"
	_ "image/jpeg"
	_ "image/png"

const (
	JPEG = "jpeg"
	JPG  = "jpg"
	GIF  = "gif"
	PNG  = "png"

// -Determines if the extension specified by e is supported.
func ExtensionCheck(ext string) error {
	switch ext {
	case JPEG, JPG, GIF, PNG:
		return nil
		return errors.New("Extension that cannot be specified" + ext)

// -Determines if the file specified by f exists.
func FilepathCheck(imagepath string) error {
	switch imagepath {
	case "":
		return errors.New("File is not specified")
		if f, err := os.Stat(imagepath); os.IsNotExist(err) || f.IsDir() {
			return errors.New("File does not exist" + imagepath)
		} else {
			return nil

func DirpathCheck(dirpath string) error {
	switch dirpath {
	case "":
		return errors.New("The converted file name is not specified")
		return nil

func FileExtCheck(imagepath string) error {
	switch imagepath {
	case "." + JPEG, "." + JPG, "." + GIF, "." + PNG:
		return nil
		return errors.New("The specified file is not supported. :" + imagepath)

func FileExtension(extension string, imagepath string, dirpath string) error {
	exFile, err := os.Open(imagepath)
	defer exFile.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("os.Create failed")

	output, err := os.Create(dirpath)
	defer output.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("output failure")

	img, _, Err := image.Decode(exFile)
	if Err != nil {
		return errors.New("Decode failure")

	switch extension {
	case JPEG, JPG:
		err = jpeg.Encode(output, img, nil)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.New("Encode failure")
		fmt.Println("Successful conversion")
		return nil
	case GIF:
		err = gif.Encode(output, img, nil)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.New("Encode failure")
		fmt.Println("Successful conversion")
		return nil
	case PNG:
		err = png.Encode(output, img)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.New("Encode failure")
		fmt.Println("Successful conversion")
		return nil
	return nil


module cvs

go 1.15

For the time being, I made it work properly while making error handling appropriate.

Code commentary

As the theme of this code, --Use go mod --Use go doc --Separate packages

I decided that. For the time being, the reason is

  1. go mod makes package splitting easier to use
  2. Increase availability by creating documentation with go doc There are these two. But this time it's a pass.

I will write about the package used this time.

If you raise the package used for the CLI command to change the extension of the image,

  1. flag
  2. os
  3. path/filepath
  4. image

there is. I will explain each of them.

flag Documentation Used to get arguments as an option from the command line

Implemented code(main.go)

var (
	extension string
	imagepath string
	dirpath   string
func main() {

	flag.StringVar(&extension, "e", "jpeg", "Specifying the extension")
 // -e "String" で、Stringを取得する/By default"jpeg"Is specified
	flag.StringVar(&imagepath, "f", "", "Specify the path of the file to be converted")
	flag.StringVar(&dirpath, "d", "", "Specifying the file name after conversion")
//Without Parse, it will not be parsed into a variable

~~~ omitted

How to write

flag.StringVar(&Variable name, "Optional symbol", "Default value","Description of this option")

You can get other than getting the character string (should)

os Documentation This time, I used it to save the image to see if the specified image really exists.

Implemented code(conversion.go)

func FilepathCheck(imagepath string) error {
	switch imagepath {
	case "":
		return errors.New("File is not specified")
		if f, err := os.Stat(imagepath); os.IsNotExist(err) || f.IsDir() {
			return errors.New("File does not exist" + imagepath)
		} else {
			return nil

//-It is a function that determines whether the file specified by f exists.

This guy can do pretty much anything.

path/filepath Documentation I'm getting the arguments of the function I introduced earlier. I'm getting the file path from string.

Implemented code(main.go)

f := filepath.Ext(imagepath)
err = conversion.FileExtCheck(f)
//Check if the imagepath really exists

image Documentation The image processing system can be done with this guy.

Implemented code(conversion.go)

img, _, Err := image.Decode(exFile)
if Err != nil {
	return errors.New("Decode failure")
//Image decoding process

switch extension {
case JPEG, JPG:
	err = jpeg.Encode(output, img, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("Encode failure")
	fmt.Println("Successful conversion")
	return nil
case GIF:
	err = gif.Encode(output, img, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("Encode failure")
	fmt.Println("Successful conversion")
	return nil
case PNG:
	err = png.Encode(output, img)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("Encode failure")
	fmt.Println("Successful conversion")
	return nil
//Encode according to the converted extension

It seems that image processing can be done almost only with this guy


When I actually run it, ...

# go build -o cvs
# ./cvs -e png -f sample.jpeg -d sample.png
Converting ...
Successful conversion

You can convert it like that.

By the way, even if you write it appropriately instead of .png after -d, the extension is converted properly.

If you convert it with a browser, there is no such thing as a strange script, and it is safe.

It was challenging and fun, so I wonder if I should make another command.


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