Get information from the Japan Meteorological Agency and notify Slack of weather warnings in the 23 wards of Tokyo

Domo, good evening!

This is the article on the 5th day of Zapier Advent Calendar 2019.

This time,

――I want to detect the weather warning in the 23 wards as soon as possible! ――I want to refer to more probable information instead of a third-party API!

Based on the request, I made a little Zap, so I will introduce it.

I'm sending this to Slack: point_down: image.png

The big picture of Zap

Data provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency is used to obtain weather information, and Slack is notified by filtering and parsing with Python.


Zap details

Get and filter feeds

This time, the feed is updated from time to time Is used.

Reference: Japan Meteorological Agency \ | Japan Meteorological Agency Disaster Prevention Information XML Format Telegram (PULL Type)


However, if this is left as it is, various information other than disaster information is included, so filter it. Here, only when the title is "Weather Special Warning / Warning / Warning", the next step is performed. image.png

Process data with Python

Zapier can execute JavaScript or Python code, but it seemed better to use Python for xml parsing (or rather, it seems to be strict with JavaScript), so I wrote it for the first time.


from xml.etree import ElementTree
response = requests.get(input_data['url'])
response.encoding = 'utf-8'
root = ElementTree.fromstring(response.text)

output = {'text': ''}
for item in root.findall('./{}Body/{}Warning/{}Item'):
  code = item.find('./{}Area/{}Code')
  if code.text == '130011' or code.text == '130012':
    area_name = item.find('./{}Area/{}Name')
    list = []
    for kind in item.findall('./{}Kind'):
      kind_text = ''
      kind_name = kind.find('./{}Name')
      if kind_name is None:
      if not 'alarm' in kind_name.text:
      kind_text += kind_name.text + ':'
      kind_status = kind.find('./{}Status')
      kind_text += kind_status.text
    if not list:
    text = '【' + area_name.text + '】' + '、'.join(list)
    output['text'] = output['text'] + text + "\n"

What you are doing

--Process only information in the 23 wards --Region code is 130011 or 130012 --Process only alarm information --Put the formatted one for slack posting into text

is. I struggled with the xml namespace rather than Python. ..

Further filtering

Filter by "whether text exists ". (Because text is empty if there is no corresponding information) image.png

Post to Slack

All you have to do is post the text to the specified channel. image.png

That's it: hugging:


-Japan Meteorological Agency \ | Japan Meteorological Agency Disaster Prevention Information XML Format -JMA Disaster Prevention Information XML Format | Technical Data

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