[RUBY] ☆ First post: TECH CAMP learning, personal application creation ①, fledgling engineer


I posted it for the first time. It's been three months since I started attending the TECH CAMP night course. There were many things I couldn't understand in the curriculum, and I had a lot of troubles, such as searching on Google and asking mentors each time. Even though I repeated the errors, I was delighted to say that it worked safely.

I managed to do various things, and finally it became a personal application development.

To be honest, it's still a series of trial and error, but after all, what I'm doing may be forgotten over time, so I recorded what I had a hard time solving. I thought it would be better, so I posted it.

I'm still unfamiliar and inexperienced in knowledge, so it may be wrong to write it, but I thought it was meaningful to post it clearly, so it's wrong. I would be grateful if you could point out the point clearly.

I tried to display the view when creating a personal app First of all, I got the following error.


The cause was that haml could not be installed. So in the Gemfile

『gem 'haml-rails'』

Enter At the terminal

『bundle install』

And then convert the existing erb to haml

『rails haml:erb2haml』

Then "would you like ~" will appear, so enter "y" This resolved the error.

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