If you check the transition of the number of people infected with new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) on Map of new coronavirus infected people by prefecture etc. As of March 7, 2020, there are a considerable number of people locally, including 98 in Hokkaido and 21 in Sagamihara, while there are 73 in Tokyo, 41 in Osaka, and 8 in Kyoto. It is an impression that there are relatively few in urban areas where there should be a lot of traffic. The number of infected people is surprisingly small in urban areas, even though hundreds of thousands or millions of people commute to work, go to school or go sightseeing every day and work in contact with each other in densely populated areas. It's very strange, isn't it? Therefore, in this article, I made a hypothesis and tested whether the reason could be explained using a mathematical model. Please refer to Article posted the other day for the basic tooling.
As I wrote in Previous article, I will review the basic terms.
Also, use the following parameters.
By the way, the hypothesis proposed in this article is, in a nutshell, ** the purification effect of the commuter town **. First of all, please see the figure below.
First, define the words.
As shown in the figure, S1 people in the suburbs commute to work and school, and S2 people in the city join at the same school or workplace. There, the infected person I is infected and becomes E1 and E2, respectively. From E1 and E2, transition to I1 and I2, respectively, and finally to R1 and R2. However, of the I1s living in the suburbs, only those with a certain ratio of r $ (0 \ leq r \ leq 1) $ shall commute to work or school again in the urban area. The remaining ratio 1-r people shall not move to urban areas by waiting at home or being hospitalized. From this flow, we made the following hypothesis.
The above hypothesis is modified by the SEIR model and expressed as a mathematical formula. Let's look.
= - \frac{R_0}{ip} (I_2 + r I_1) \frac{S_1}{S_1 + S_2} , S_1 \geq 0
= - \frac{R_0}{ip} (I_2 + r I_1) \frac{S_2}{S_1 + S_2}, S_2 \geq 0
= -\frac{dS_1}{dt} - \frac{1}{lp} E_1 \\
= -\frac{dS_2}{dt} - \frac{1}{lp} E_2 \\
= \frac{1}{lp}E_1 - \frac{1}{ip} I_1 \\
= \frac{1}{lp}E_2 - \frac{1}{ip} I_2 \\
= \frac{1}{ip} I_1 \\
= \frac{1}{ip} I_2
In the first two equations, the secondary infected person produced by the infected person (I2 + rI1) is apportioned by S1 and S2. Other formulas are the same as the SEIR model.
Let's calculate the above hypothesis in Python. Import the library.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Define a function that computes R0.
def COVID19R0(er):
if np.random.rand() < er:
# good environment
if np.random.rand() < 0.8:
R0 = 0
R0 = np.random.randint(1,4)*1.0
# bad environment
R0 = np.random.randint(0,12)*1.0
return R0
Define the ODE.
def seir_eq6(v,t, keys):
er = keys['er']
lp = keys['lp']
ip = keys['ip']
r = keys['r']
R0 = COVID19R0(er)
s1 = v[0]; s2 = v[1]
e1 = v[2]; e2 = v[3]
i1 = v[4]; i2 = v[5]
r1 = v[6]; r2 = v[7]
ds1 = - R0/ip * (i2 + r * i1) * (s1/(s1 + s2)) if s1 >= 0 else 0 # note: s1 >= 0
ds2 = - R0/ip * (i2 + r * i1) * (s2/(s1 + s2)) if s2 >= 0 else 0 # note: s2 >= 0
de1 = -ds1 - (1/lp) * e1
de2 = -ds2 - (1/lp) * e2
di1 = (1/lp)*e1 - (1/ip)*i1
di2 = (1/lp)*e2 - (1/ip)*i2
dr1 = (1/ip)*i1
dr2 = (1/ip)*i2
return [ds1, ds2, de1, de2, di1, di2, dr1, dr2]
Define a function to solve the ODE.
def my_odeint(deq, ini_state, tseq, keys):
sim = None
v = np.array(ini_state).astype(np.float64)
dt = (tseq[1] - tseq[0])*1.0
for t in tseq:
dv = deq(v,t, keys)
v = v + np.array(dv) * dt
if sim is None:
sim = v
sim = np.vstack((sim, v))
return sim
Finally, the code for simulation and display.
ini_state=[430, 999, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
keys = {'er':0.5, 'lp':5.5, 'ip':8, 'r':0.01 }
sim = my_odeint(seir_eq6, ini_state, t, keys)
plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 12
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
ax.plot(t,sim[:,[4,5]]) # extract Infected1, Infected2
yw = 100; yn = int(500/yw)+1
ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0,yw*(yn-1), yn))
ax.legend(['Infected1(Outside)','Infected2(in City)'])
Let's calculate some patterns by changing the S1 and S2 parts of init_state. The ratio r is assumed to be 0.01. In addition, other parameters are the same as Previous article.
We will start from the state where the population of the urban area is 1000 and there is one infected person on the 0th day (S2 = 999, I2 = 1). 1000 people is a tentative value for ease of calculation.
The number of infected I2 in urban areas peaked at about 320 on the 62nd day.
I started from S1 = 500.
The number of infected I2 in urban areas peaked at about 260 on the 102nd day. In other words, the peak is delayed by about 40 days, and the number of people infected with the peak is reduced by about 19%.
By the way, according to Tokyo Metropolitan Press Material, the 2015 census As a result of
Therefore, the ratio of S1 and S2 is 430: 1000 as a guide.
I started from S1 = 800.
The number of infected I2 in urban areas peaked at about 210 on the 142nd day. In other words, the peak is delayed by about 80 days, and the number of peak infected people is reduced by about 34%.
There seems to be a lot of numbers of 80%, but according to this page, "In 2018 The number of foreign tourists visiting Tokyo was about 14.24 million, and the number of Japanese tourists was about 536.5 million. ”So, by simple calculation, 1.5 million people will flow in every day. I will.
From the above, the following trends can be derived from the simulation regarding the peak fluctuation of infection due to the infected person staying in the suburbs (waiting at home / hospitalized in the suburbs) while the population flows from the suburban commuter town to the urban area.
Therefore, it seems that the ** purification effect of the bed town ** is reasonable.
I referred to the following page Map of people infected with new coronavirus by prefecture Overview of the daytime population of Tokyo (population by place of employment / school) Fact-finding survey on the number of tourists visiting Tokyo in 2018 SEIR model Infectious disease mathematical model beginning: Overview of SEIR model using Python and introduction to parameter estimation Verify the effect of leave as a countermeasure against the new coronavirus with the SEIR model
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